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Brooklyn, New York

February 16th, 2021

Elle's P.O.V

"I can't believe she's due in three weeks."~Ryleigh says as I sit on my sofa.

"I know, it's completely flown by."~Leonie adds in as I lean my head back, a headache clouding my mind as Rye smiles.

"And her baby shower is only in four days."~Jamie

"Can you guys be quiet for a second?"~I ask softly as they go silent. 

"Are you okay? Do you need me to call Andy?"~Kieran

"I'll be fine, I have a migraine I think."~Elle

"You've been having a lot of migraines recently."~Kie

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, one second."~I say as I stand up and begin making my way upstairs. Once I had, I sit down on the side of the bath as Dream sits in front of me, tilting his head every now and again to see if I was okay.

"I'm okay Dream."~I say before a sharp pain slashes through me, causing me to wince.

"You're fucking kidding me."~I say, noticing the pool of water at my feet.

"Kieran?!"~I scream at the top of my lungs as I hear him running upstairs. He walks in, worry cast on his face as he notices.

"Shit, shit, oh my god, what shall I do?"~Kie

"Grab my bag from upstairs, second door to the left, I'm gonna get my car keys and we can go to the hospital."~Elle

"But Andy's in Los Angeles."~Kie

"I could care less right now."~Elle

"Okay, okay, I'll tell the others."~Kie says before disappearing,


"Hey gorgeous."~Jamie walks in with a cup of ice chips.

"If we were in the UK she'd be eating full ice cubes."~Kie says and I laugh.

"Don't make me laugh, it hurts."~Elle

"Elle, Andy's wondering why you're not answering your phone."~Leonie asks softly as I look at her.

"It's in my bag and my legs are jelly."~Elle

"Here you are my love."~Kie hands it to me as I smile. Opening his messages, I calm his worrying by texting a kissy face before leaning back a minute.

"Have you told him yet?"~Ryleigh asks as I shake my head.


"You okay?"~Blasko asks as I look up at him.

"Yeah, just worrying about Elle."~Andy

"She'll be fine, she might've just fallen asleep."~Blasko says as I tap my fingers on the table.

"Andy she'll be fine."~CC says as I smile.

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