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Elle's Outfit

Elle's Outfit

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Brooklyn, New York

Shopping Day

February 16th, 2020

Elle's P.O.V

"And you didn't want too?"~Lee asks and I shake my head.

"I've never liked it have I?"~Elle

"You're insane."~Rye replies as we walk around the mall. The five of us decided to get up early and come shopping, considering we all needed new clothes and things.

"Can any of you still believe that Purdy left?"~Kieran

"No one can believe it, Kie."~Rye says as my phone buzzes in my hand. Seeing Andy's contact, I put my phone back in my pocket and continue talking to the group.

"How long is it until you and Andy move here?"~Jamie

"We're moving in after tour so it's gonna be a while yet."~Elle

"Have you started thinking of names for your pup yet?"~Kie

"Not really."~Elle

"Are you insane? You need to give him a name!"~Kie

"I know that, I've just not had time to think."~Elle

"Well you can come up with one whilst we're out."~Kie says as I roll my eyes.

"Are you and Andy okay?"~Leonie asks after minutes of silence.

"Yeah, why?"~Elle

"Just wondering."~She says and I nod.


"What about Jupiter?"~Leonie says and I shake my head.


"Gregg!"~Kieran says making the table laugh.

"It needs to be sentimental to you and Andy, it can't be a random name."~Rye says as I bite my lip.

"What about Dream?"~Elle

"That's cute."~Kie

"Why Dream?"~Jamie

"Because everything feels like a dream, I mean, we're performing at the BRITs on Tuesday."~Elle

"Mad."~Rye says as the five of us laugh. Feeling my phone buzz again, I take it from my pocket and decide to answer Andy's message from earlier.


When you're out will you try and find me a new nose ring, mines just snapped ;-; x


how tf can you snap a nose ring? are you dumb? x


apparently so x


love u idiot x


I love you too x

Laughing at the fact he'd snapped his nose ring, the five of us get up and go back to shopping as I walk into a piercing shop and buy him a new nose ring. Once I'd left, I went to Urban Outfitters and bought a few things before realising my feet were fucked.

"Shouldn't have worn these out."~I say and Kie laughs

"I think we're all tired anyway, we should probably get back to the hotel."~Jamie

"I'm so glad you said that."~Leonie says as we all begin heading back to the hotel.

"See you guys later."~Rye says as she and Leonie walked into their room, Jamie and Kie doing the same as I even further down the hall to get to my hotel room. Opening the door with my card, I dropped all my bags on the floor and immediatly began pulling off my shoes. Once I had, I threw them near my suitcase and lay down on the bed, happy to finally be off my feet for the first time today.


"I hate feet, why do they exist?"~Elle

"So you can walk?"~Andy

"They could've just extended our legs out."~Elle.

"You're weird."~Andy

"I know."~Elle

"How did shopping go anyway?"~Andy

"Couldn't find that jacket I wanted in Urban so I'm gonna have to get it on Tuesday."~Elle

"You still want me there right?"~Andy asks as I sit up.

"Why wouldn't I want you there?"~Elle

"I don't know, I'm not used to red carpets."~Andy

"Neither am I, if I trip you're coming down with me."~Elle

"Fair enough."~He laughs softly as I sigh.

"Ashley's gonna be there with Rye you know."~Elle

"I know, he messaged me to see if I was going."~Andy

"So you're done being upset with him?"~Elle

"I guess."~Andy says as I get up and grab everything I'd bought, putting it on the bed as I hand Andy his nose ring. He smiles, going to the bathroom to put it in as I put everything in my suitcase.


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