Sephiroth hadn't wasted any time once he was back to the inn. Dr. Branscum was already examining Eve again, but he still called for his pick-up. He had already taken care of the monsters he had been sent to find, and she was going to need more help than they had available in Modeoheim. He was also thankful Tseng had been the Turk that had accompanied him. He hadn't stayed in the town while Sephiroth worked, but that meant they could quickly start an investigation into what had happened.
He briefly wondered why he was bothering to help the girl, but he decided since he had already started, he couldn't leave it half-finished. Once he hung up with Tseng, he sent him a picture of Eve as well as sending as many details she had mentioned that he could remember. He knew the Turks had ways of finding out information that he didn't want to question. At least in this instance, it might come in handy.
While they waited for the helicopter to arrive, he asked the innkeeper to send someone to help clean the girl up. Dr. Branscum had insisted that she not be allowed to soak up any more mako than she already had. They knew it was too late to keep it all out, but they could prevent some of it. The innkeeper sent up two girls that asked if he could carry the unconscious girl to the bathing room downstairs. Once she was moved, they shooed him out so they could do what was necessary.
It was nearly an hour later that they exited the room and allowed him to carry her back up. Once she was covered again, he looked her face over. She looked to be having intense dreams if her eye movement was anything to go by. He wondered what they could be about before he sighed and took a seat across from the bed once again. He knew he didn't necessarily need to stay up and watch her again, but he doubted sleep would be easy to find. At least the helicopter would be back by morning.
It wasn't even daylight yet when Tseng sent him a message that they were almost to Modeoheim. Sephiroth stood with a slight frown. He had not been able to find sleep, but he had also not been able to find any answers. He held back his sigh of frustration when he moved to pick the girl up once again. He only hoped that Tseng had started to investigate her at least.
When he moved downstairs, the room was mostly empty, thankfully. There were a couple of patrons, but the innkeeper wasn't busy. Sephiroth gave him a nod as they walked out. He had taken care of the bill the night before. He ignored the fact that there was complete silence until the door closed behind him. It was something he had long become accustomed to.
Sephiroth frowned slightly when he saw Reno accompanying Tseng. He wasn't sure when or why the redhead joined them, and he wasn't going to ask; although he wished it had been any other time. The younger Turk had a way of getting under everyone's skin. His frown deepened when the redhead spoke. "Wow looks like you found a hot one. What'll your fans say when they find out you're bringing stray women home with you. I might have to reevaluate your nickname, yo."
Thankfully Sephiroth didn't have to respond. Tseng spoke up before he could. "Reno, make sure the back seats are laid down and secured."
The annoying Turk gave Sephiroth a grin before he turned back to the helicopter and gave Tseng a mock salute. "On it, boss man."
Once Reno was gone Tseng raised a brow at the woman in Sephiroth's arms. "General, I will admit that I find this unexpected as well. I have investigated the information you gave me, but so far, I've found nothing. It would be faster if we had her full name, but I have another agent looking through the files in Midgar as well. It will not take long for us to identify her. Do you have plans for her once we get back?"

Even Demons Can Be Saved
FanfictionDr. Evelyn Marx had a great life for the most part. That hadn't always been the case and there were years where she had to fight to make it happen, but she was satisfied with where she was. She had a satisfying job and great friends, so when she l...