Unpleasant Truths All Around

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Reno was waiting at the north edge of camp when they came back, and for the first time since Eve met him, he was shocked speechless. She tried not to grin as she stepped up next to him. "I told you we wouldn't be long."

It was several seconds before the redhead tore his eyes off Sephiroth and Genesis chatting with Captain Hawl. "I guess you've been busy, huh?"

Eve sighed as she looked to the Firsts as well before she turned back to her friend. "Reno, a lot is going on, and I can't keep hiding it. I'd like to think I can trust you. What do you say?"

He gave her a curious look, but she could tell it was edged with both worry and cunning. She spoke up once more before he could respond. "Tseng already knows."

He quirked a brow at her and grinned. "So, ya finally gonna tell me the big secret that he's been coverin' for ya?"

Eve wasn't sure how she felt about his response. It could mean that others also knew something was going on, or it could just be that Reno was a nosey git that was good at ferreting out secrets. Plus, she had already figured he was supposed to be observing her. She finally gave him a nod. "I know you have been watching me since the beginning. With that being the case, I'm sure you have lots of questions. I'm not exactly subtle unless I need to be."

He laughed at her reasoning. "At least ya know it. Better than bein' clueless, yo."

By that time, both Genesis and Sephiroth had finished with the Captain and had joined the two Turks. When Reno saw they were both glaring at him, he shot them both a grin before he put his hands behind his head and started whistling. Eve wished he wasn't always so obnoxious, but she had already agreed to include him. "Reno will be joining our discussion."

Genesis started to rant, but Sephiroth gave her a worried look. "Are you sure that is wise?"

She shrugged. "No, but since Tseng already knows we can't keep him in the dark. Besides, he has been watching me this whole time. I am certain he has already figured out that I am not normal."

Reno cackled at that point. "Ya can say that again. Don't think I've ever seen a person less normal, besides the Princess here. Maybe that's why the two of ya work?"

Eve rolled her eyes at his jibe but didn't bite. Instead, she focused on Sephiroth again. "I'm going to need to find a secure way to communicate with Tseng anyway. This should help us be prepared."

He did not look happy at her insistence, but he nodded reluctantly anyway. "I am learning to trust your judgement. Forgive me if it doesn't always come easily."

She took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "There is a lot on the line. I would be worried if you weren't cautious. Let's go somewhere we can talk." She hadn't let go of his hand, so when they turned toward the innermost part of the camp, she pulled to stop him. "Oh, did you get the message that was intercepted as well? The sooner I can start on the translation, the better it will be."

Sephiroth gave her a nod, but before he could respond verbally, Reno was standing between them and pointing to their joined hands. "I wanted to ask about that earlier too. Since when did you become okay with touchin' people, yo?"

"Not now."  She shook her head and ignored him or tried to. 

 He reached out to grab their wrists, but before he could touch either of them, Sephiroth had his hand in a tight grip. Even Reno had sense enough to stop dead still as the Silver General glared down at him. "I know you are her friend, and as such, you should understand that she decides what is acceptable. I will only ask you once to not attempt that in my presence again."

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