Date Night?

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When Eve got to her apartment, she checked the time. She was relieved to see she had about forty-five minutes. It gave her enough time for a shower at least. Once she was clean, she felt much better. Not that she had been dirty per se, but it had helped her relax. She had barely gotten dressed when she realized that she wasn't even sure if she had cookware. She didn't bother with her shoes before running into the small kitchen. She was relieved to find that all the basics were in the cabinets, including plates, and oddly enough, wine glasses.

She brushed that off as she gathered everything and made sure it was in working order. She finished just in time to hear a knock at the door. She brushed her hands down the front of her uniform to smooth it out. When she realized what she was doing, she rolled her eyes at the nervous gesture and went to let her guest in.

When she opened the door, Sephiroth lifted a small bag with a smile. "I believe this is everything you asked for." She took it from him with a smile of her own, but he held up the other hand as well before she could let him in. "I hope you don't mind, but I also brought a bottle of wine. I thought it would go well with risotto and I didn't think you would have had time to get anything yet."

Eve found herself grinning at his thoughtfulness. "Of course, I don't mind. Please come in, and I'll chill it until dinner."

She took everything into the kitchen and motioned him to follow her. He was still looking around as she pulled out the ingredients to check them and get started on their meal. She gestured toward the small table. "Please have a seat. We can talk while I cook if you would like."

He took the seat she offered and shook his head. "I knew that Turks were paid better than Soldier, but I never realized their apartments were better as well."

At his humored observation, she turned to him. Her face was slightly red at the discrepancy, but it had also reminded her that she needed to give him a warning. "I'm not sure that better is the right word. It may be bigger, but I have it on good authority that all of the Turk's housing at headquarters is, how do I put this, less than private."

He raised a brow. "You are under observation in your own home?"

She grimaced but nodded. "From what I understand, all the apartments are. They didn't make any point of hiding it either, so I haven't bothered to check. I just work under the assumption that I'm being watched."

He looked around before looking back to her with a questioning gaze. "We can always use my apartment instead. You haven't started yet."

She laughed lightly as she turned the stove on and started heating the broth while she cut up the onions. "I'm not that worried about it. I have nothing to hide. It just means I can't get up to anything naughty."

She had been caught up in the familiar actions and hadn't thought much about her words until they were already out. She instantly felt her face turn red as she spun around. "Oh god, please just ignore me. There seems to be something about your presence that makes me constantly put my foot in my mouth."

There were several moments of complete silence as he processed what had just happened. Eve was shocked when he started laughing. It was something she had never expected to see, and she couldn't find her voice before he finally calmed enough to speak. "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad to see you are comfortable enough around me to speak openly. I don't see that often."

Eve felt the heat drain from her face as she realized what he meant. Given his usual disposition, his job, and how he was raised, his interactions with others outside of Soldier were probably on a need to communicate basis only. She forced the melancholy back and gave him a smile. "Still, I will make an effort to try not to make an ass of myself any more than necessary tonight."

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