Old Friends?

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Even though they were not traveling with a large group, it still took them several days to reach Nibelheim. They had to go by land. When they arrived, it was late afternoon, and most of the town was barren. The few people that were walking around outside quickly made their way into their houses at the sight of the Shinra employees. Eve grimaced at the sight and swore that people would no longer be afraid of Shinra, and she would make it happen during her lifetime.

Tseng's and Sephiroth's first order of business was locating the troops that had come ahead of them. They had expected them to be around the village, but there was no sign of them. That fact had Eve's skin crawling. Even after her boss asked a few people and they all verified that they had been there, but had left for the reactor. Eve still felt uneasy. Something just wasn't right.

They didn't have time that night to find out, though. It was already starting to get dark, and they needed a guide. Eve could tell in the fading light that the mountain would be even more difficult in person than it had been in the game. It looked cold and uninviting and gave her chills. She could admit that at least part of that was because of the increased unease she felt from Minerva. The goddess had been oddly silent since they left the Canyon as well except for those feelings. The whole thing had Eve jumpy. She just hoped she would be able to sleep that night.

She hadn't forgotten that they needed to find Vincent as well. Just the thought of entering that basement at night made her nauseous. She could only imagine the creepy crawly things Hojo left behind down there in addition to the ex-Turk. She didn't voice any of this as they headed to the mansion. She couldn't hide her unease from Sephiroth though, and he squeezed her hand to reassure her before they headed into the old house.

Their entire group stopped warily once they were inside the door. Sephiroth stepped in front of Eve in a protective stance, but she quickly pushed past them. She ignored the drawn guns of the other Turks and took a step closer to the figure that was leaning against the banister. "Vincent?"

The figure looked up when she called out and Eve let out a gasp and took a step back. "Not Vincent. Those eyes... you're Chaos!"

The figure stepped forward with a slight chuckle. "Very observant little one. I suppose that means the goddess chose well."

Eve had expected Vincent to be a little intimidating, but she knew he had a good heart. She hadn't expected to be confronted by his most powerful alter-ego first thing. The encounter had her wondering how to proceed. Still, she fought her trembling and stepped forward again. "I suppose that means you are up here because Minerva asked you to be, and not because Vincent chooses to be?"

The Weapon sighed. "My host is still unconvinced, but I have had a few days to try and bring him around. At least you don't have to go into the basement."

Eve frowned slightly. "Not yet, at least."

Chaos raised a brow at the fire that tempered her previous fear into indignation. He smiled slightly and nodded. "It is good to see the planet's champion is no shrinking flower."

There was a snort from a certain Soldier and a muffled laugh from one of the Turks behind Eve that made her grimace. She would have to remember to 'thank' Genesis and Reno for their opinion later when they weren't facing down a potentially deadly Weapon. She refocused. "No, I am not. That doesn't explain why you are the one greeting us instead of Vincent. What is going on?"

Chaos moved to lean against the banister again. "You are here for a purpose, correct?"

Eve just narrowed her eyes, and the Weapon smirked again. "I believe you are also here to ask for my assistance, yes?"

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