Coming Together

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Over the next week and a half, the two lovers spent as much time indoors as they did out. Eve hated the idea of being at the beach and not being in the water, but there were many times that she hated being out of Sephiroth's arms even more. She grinned to herself as she realized she very well could consider herself addicted to the man. Lucky for her, he seemed to be in the same state.

They had just finished a meal and were watching the sunset when their conversation from the first day came back to her. She sighed lightly as she realized that as much as she hated the idea of leaving their beach paradise a single day earlier than they had to, there was something else that they needed to address. She doubted they would have much time when they got back.

She snuggled closer to where Sephiroth was sitting on the blanket next to her. He smiled down at the action, and she twined their fingers together before she spoke. "You know, this has been the happiest time of my life. I can't even imagine how much better it will be after we are married."

He raised a brow and tilted her head so he could look in her eyes. "While I am happy to hear that, I sense there is a but coming."

She chuckled and shook her head. "Not exactly, but I wanted you to know that what I am about to suggest doesn't have anything to do with how much I would rather stay here for the rest of our lives."

He sobered. "I thought we had agreed, no work?"

She rubbed her hand down his arm absently as she shook her head. "It's not work, but I'm not sure what you'll think about it."

He frowned slightly. Eve chuckled nervously at the sight of it before she climbed into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. His eyes widened before they narrowed. "Somehow, I get the feeling this is going to become a problem."

She gave him a confused look. "What will be a problem?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her until they were pressed together before he answered. "This. If you think that this will cause me to drop my guard-"

He didn't finish as she gave him a guilty grin. He shook his head and gave her a quick kiss before he continued. "Well, it might work, but just know that I will not be so easily swayed."

She laughed. It was wonderful that he could read her so well, even when it was something like this. She also loved how honest he was. Still, the subject she was about to broach was a sober one. She sighed and laid her head on his shoulder. "I will never try to fool you. It's just that this might be hard to talk about, so I hoped it would help."

He frowned and lifted her chin, so they were facing each other again. "What is it?"

"We have about two weeks before we have to go back, and while I would be satisfied to spend every minute of that right here on the beach, I feel there is something else we might want to look into while we have time off."

Sephiroth felt a slight foreboding at her words. He thought the most dangerous parts of their lives were behind them. "What else do we need to face?"

She shook her head. "It isn't something to fight. It's just-" She sighed at how much harder this was than she thought it would be. Still, she took a deep breath and continued. "It's just that I felt now would be a good time to try and find Lucrecia. I doubt we will be given time off again soon."

She sighed again when she felt him stiffen under her. His jaw clenched once before he spoke. "I have no desire to take time away from this to find her. I am still unsure if I even want her in my life. Either of my parents, for that matter."

Eve nodded. She already knew how he felt, but she wasn't ready to give up. "You have every right to feel betrayed, but hating them will only hurt you. I think this would be helpful for you, even if you decide to not have them in your life. At least find her and then decide if you could even think about having a relationship with them in the future."

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