Heart of the Darkness

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It wasn't long into the walk that Aerith joined the other two teenagers. She was only a year older than Cloud, so it made sense. It didn't take her long at all until she was walking arm-in-arm with them both. Eve smiled at how easy it was for them to become friends already and wondered if some things were just meant to be. Despite her joy at seeing those three getting along, she still felt a growing worry in her gut. She wondered if her impulsive idea to involve Cloud was a horrible one.

She also noticed that Sephiroth and Vincent had lagged back a little. Despite how stoic and independent they both were, it was nice to see them trying to figure things out. Although, the bits of the conversation she had heard were stilted and she doubted they would make much headway. That was a worry for another day.

When they got to the hanging bridge, Aerith almost followed the other two out first, but Eve yelled for them all to stop. She eyed it warily and asked if they could cross it one at a time. Tifa assured them it was safe, but Eve insisted. It might still be good for a couple of years, but she didn't want to chance it.

When they were all across, Eve knew they were getting close. She caught Sephiroth's eye before he could walk off again. She kept her voice low enough that it wouldn't carry. "I think we need to have the kids in the back. They can tell us where to go, but I don't want to encounter anything and them be the first to see it."

His eyes narrowed. "Do you know something?"

She shook her head with a frown. "No, and that's the problem. I haven't heard from Minerva in days, but she is sending a feeling that makes me sick. I would just rather be safe."

His jaw clenched, but he nodded. "I'll position them in the middle." He paused and frowned at her. "You need to stay with them as well."

Eve wanted to argue, but there was a time and place. She knew that if Sephiroth was too worried about her, he might not be entirely focused. She swallowed her pride and nodded. Tifa was the only one that argued when they were moved. Thankfully, Aerith distracted her, and it wasn't a problem. Eve wasn't thrilled that any of them were there, but she knew that at least two of them were there for valid reasons.

Eve had been looking around to try and keep an eye out for trouble when she was pulled into the conversation by Tifa. The girl was blushing slightly when Eve looked back. She was blindsided by her question. "I was wondering, are you really the General's girlfriend?"

Eve blinked a couple of times. Her mind had to readjust to even comprehend the question. She couldn't hold back her smile when she did. "I suppose that is as good a name as any. We are in a relationship."

Cloud's eyes widened as well. He dropped his voice into a whisper, even though Eve was sure the Soldiers heard him anyway. "Does he not frighten you?"

Eve's gaze softened, and she glanced back to see Sephiroth watching them. She winked at him before she turned back to Cloud. "He isn't nearly as scary as people think."

Cloud didn't look convinced. "Maybe not to you."

Eve started to laugh and fire off another quip, but they were all stopped by the sound of a man calling out to them. The group ran around the corner and found one of the infantrymen they had been looking for. He was covered in blood and was barely conscious. When he saw Sephiroth, he started screaming. The General backed away with confusion, and Eve tried to reassure him with a look as she and Aerith passed him to tend to the soldier.

The man passed out while they were healing him. Eve was worried by what that meant, especially since they were so close to the reactor. She didn't hesitate to turn to the Nibelheim teens. "Could the two of you take this man back to town and get him help? I think he'll probably need more time to recover."

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