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Sephiroth glared at his alarm and turned it off with more force than was necessary. He had not managed to get much sleep and to make it worse; he found he was still disturbed by the conversation that had been cut short a few hours earlier. In an effort to push those thoughts away, he quickly moved to gather his things for the day. He paused outside his room before moving to the end of the hall. He could see that his guest had managed to drift off finally. She was curled up, and he found himself smiling despite his mood at the image of her taking up such a small portion of the couch he could barely fit on.

By the time he was finished with his shower and dressed, he found that he was in a better mood. At least enough so that no one except maybe Angeal and Genesis would be able to tell. The thought of the redhead made him frown slightly, as it reminded him there were still many things that needed to be discussed with Eve, but he pushed it back for the moment.

She was still sleeping, and he saw no good reason to wake her. He quickly wrote out a note and left it on the small table next to the couch. Once he locked the door, there would be no way for her to leave as it was coded to his fingerprints, so he wasn't worried about her escaping. He knew they would need to talk further, but for now, he still had duties to catch up on. Although his absence was scheduled, it never failed that there would be things waiting for his return.

He gave his guest one last unreadable look before he headed out and to his office. It didn't take him long to get absorbed in paperwork, which pushed all thoughts of his guest to the back of his mind.


Evelyn woke up calm and clear-headed for the first time since she arrived on Gaia. She sat up and ran her hands through her hair a few times before she stood. She had slept better than she thought she would after that excellent tea finally allowed her to relax. After a good sleep, she was finally able to focus.

She realized a few things as she walked around the tiny living room. The first of which was that Sephiroth was no longer there. She glanced up to the clock to see that it was nearly 09:00, so she wasn't surprised he had already left. She tried the door and found that it wouldn't open, which didn't surprise her either

At that point, her stomach reminded her that she had no idea when the last time she ate was. She had been so focused on everything else that food had been the last thing on her mind; however, it was starting to feel as if her stomach were trying to burrow out her back. She didn't hesitate to head to the small kitchen. She wasn't surprised to find it nearly bare, but at least there was enough to make toast and eggs. That would have to work for the time being. It was even better that it didn't take long to cook. The hardest part was finding the cooking and eating utensils.

Once her hunger was sated, she let her curiosity take over. She respected her host's privacy enough to stay out of his room, but she took a few moments to poke around his living room. Not that there was much there. If she didn't already know he actually lived there; she might have wondered if it was an apartment ready to rent. The only concession to individualism was a small display of weapons across from his couch. They were in a glass case, so she assumed they were only ornamental, although, with Sephiroth, there was no telling.

She finally found the note he had left as she walked back to the couch. She felt a little chagrined that it had taken her that long to find it. He had left it practically next to her head. When she read it, she felt both relieved and embarrassed. He had let her know she could help herself to anything in the kitchen. He also reiterated that the door was locked, but he would send someone to get her when she was ready. She just needed to call him.

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