Chapter 3

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"You can't die, Jessie." A woman stood in front of me, blocking the light that I was trying to get to. She was wearing a white gown, but I knew she was no angel.
"For fucks sake. Just let me go already!" I yelled. She grabbed ahold of my shoulder and shook her head.
"Do NOT swear at your grandmother, young lady!" She scolded me. I went silent.

"I'm sorry, dearie. I didn't mean to yell at you...but you know you can't leave my Jason on his own. Those pricks brought you here as a might as well act like one." She muttered the last part, venom dripping from every word. Damn. Even she didn't like me.

"They drowned my baby so long ago...then that horrible man decided to curse him with a daughter."
"I'm right here." I reminded her with a cold glare. She sighed.
"When you wake up, kill that Ralph for me. For Jason." She demanded. That was probably the only thing we had in common. We wanted to see Ralph bleed. I nodded.
"I'll do my best." I promised her. She smiled and faded away.

Then, to my disappointment, I woke up...only, I was still under water. Usually when I woke up, I would be in some cell and I wouldn't be able to remember shit.

I stared up at the sky; the sun was nowhere to be seen. How long did they leave me under?
I sat up and noticed my restraints had been cut off. Did Jason not finish his job, or was he giving me the pleasure of killing Ralph myself? Or maybe, this was just a part of the test. If I were to pop my head out of that water, someone would just shove it back under, right? Only one way to find out.

I stood up, then swam upward.
I shivered once my head left the comfort of the water. I rubbed the water out of my eyes and blindly swam to the peer. When I pulled myself up, I couldn't believe it.
It was empty; no lights, no cars— nothing. The only thing present was the mask I had seen on Ralph before he— or I dropped myself in the lake.
"Kill him, Jessie. Kill him."

ROUGH DRAFT OF Slasher Kids Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now