Chapter 7

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"Gisele! Come on!" My mother called from afar. I could've sworn I saw someone in Camp Crystal Lake...but maybe I was just seeing things. Ever since my cousin went missing, I hadn't been the same. She was still out there— I could feel it. In case she was there, I pulled a scrap of red fabric out of my sweater pocket and placed it on a rock. If she had any wounds, hopefully that would help.
"Gisele!" My older sister, Jane called.
"I'm coming! Geez!" I yelled back, beginning to run the direction her voice was coming from. It was dark, but the my mother's truck lights were what guided me through the darkness.

When I reached where the rest of my family was, my heart nearly stopped. My brother, Grayson, was wearing black from head to toe; a paper white mask with large, sad eyes and a gaping mouth being the only other color. My sister was wearing the same mask, only instead of wearing all black, she had a grey sweater on the exposed her pale, honey shoulders.

Grayson lifted his mask and winked.
"Like our costumes?" He asked. Before I could give him an answer, Jane took her mask off and rolled her emerald green eyes.
"We look like a cheap knockoff version of Ghostface." She grumbled before hopping in the backseat. I climbed in after her.
"The masks are a little creepy," I admitted. Grayson climbed in the passenger's seat and smirked.
"That's what I was going for."
Mom gave him a stern look. His smirk fell into a nervous smile.
"I mean— that's what mom was going for." He admitted.

I struggled to keep my eyes open the ride home.
We had been at Camp Crystal Lake all day. Jane and Grayson spent it filming, while I spent it reading about my cousin. Mom used to be a scientist, just like our aunt. I had never met Jessie, but mom had said it was for a good reason. Jessie was an experiment; born with Jason Voorhees' DNA. Mom's old co-worker, Ralph, was obsessed with immortality. He thought, with Jessie, he could find a way to cheat his way out of death. He kept her at an asylum and killed her countless times, take some tests, then wipe her memory when she came back from the dead.
One day, mom had had enough of Ralph. He drowned her at Camp Crystal Lake. After that, mom quit.

When we reached home, Grayson and Jane hopped out of the car and dashed to the front door. Grayson unlocked it, ripped the door open and him and Jane sped inside, leaving mom and I in their dust. I leapt out and followed them.
"Hurry up, slow poke!" Grayson yelled. He was already half-way up the stairs. I ran as fast as my legs could take me, which caused me to stumble a few times, but eventually, I made it into Grayson's room.

His room was like our own horror lab. Newspapers about Charles Lee Ray, Fred Krueger and Jason Voorhees were pinned to a board, along with a progress report about Jessie mom had stolen from Ralph. Horror movie posters were scattered all over the walls. Stab, Friday the 13th, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Frankenstein, King Kong, and so much more. Grayson was a little too obsessed with horror, but his obsession only started after dad left us for some other woman, so mom just brushed it off as a coping mechanism.

Grayson leapt in his desk chair and spun around a few times. I joined Jane on his bed and watched as he hooked his hard drive up to his computer.

"We were filming in the woods," Jane explained, "and we might have gotten footage of Jessie!"

"What happens if we do have footage? Ralph might find out and drag her back to the lab." Just the thought of Ralph hurting her scared me.

"He won't find out." Jane said with a reassuring smile. I adjusted my glasses and nodded.

"Here!" Grayson exclaimed excitedly. He scooted to the side to let us view the screen.

Jane was standing in front of the camera with her mask on. I could hear Grayson behind the camera whisper: "Get down," and the two did so, ducking down behind a bush. Grayson pointed the camera towards the woods. For a while, there was nothing but dark, looming trees; a squirrel or rabbit would run by every now and then, until two figures appeared in the distance. The camera zoomed in, exposing a girl in a soaking wet jacket wearing a white mask to cover her mouth, and an older boy with a mask placed on top of his head. The boy was talking to her, but nothing came from her. He looked excited to see her though.
"Holy shit," Jane whispered behind the camera. Grayson hushed her and continued to film.
The boy talked a little longer, then took the girl by her hand and walked away.
"I'm going after them," Grayson whispered and stood up. The recording got cut off when it pointed at a masked figure not too far from the boy and girl.

"That was Jessie?" Jane asked.
"And Jason Voorhees!" Grayson added with a grin on his face.
"What about the boy with Jessie?" I asked. Grayson shrugged.
"He could be a sibling." Jane guessed.
"There's more? I thought Aunt Mary—" I was interrupted by a knock on the door. Grayson quickly shut his computer off while Jane checked out the window. Our souls practically left our bodies when Jane turned toward us.

"It's Ralph."

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