Chapter 5

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I had been wandering aimlessly around the woods for god-knows how long. My clothes were still soaking wet, so the usual cool night breeze was a stinging freeze. I wouldn't be surprised if I died from hypothermia.

"Gisele, come on!" Shouted an oddly familiar voice. Dr. Roberts?
I quickly ducked behind a bush and peered out from behind.
A girl that looked about ten or twelve was running back towards where Dr. Roberts' voice was coming from. I nearly stood up to go after her. Nobody was to be at the camp.
Just before I could go after that girl, something— someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"Jesus! We finally have you back and you're already trying to get away from us?" Asked a guy's voice. I couldn't recognize it, but it sounded familiar. I turned around to face the guy who had held me back from the brat and her mom.
He had black marks all over his face, almost like his face was cracked and a mask sitting on the top of his head, but I couldn't make out any details due to it being so damned dark. 
That face— it brought back a memory; a tragic memory.

"Jessie, you be careful, okay?" Called my mother. I was sitting on that boy's shoulders and glanced back at my mom, then waved goodbye.

"I will, mama!" I yelled back, then turned my focus back forward. The boy began to walk down the street.

"Where are we going, big brother?" I asked. The boy, although I couldn't see his face, smiled.
"We're gonna stop at the gas station and get a couple of snacks, then I'm gonna take you to meet someone very special." He said. I could feel an overwhelming feeling of excitement crash into me.

The boy stopped at a gas station not too far from my house. He set me down and put his hand on my shoulder.
"So what do you want?" He asked. I couldn't figure out what I wanted. It took me awhile to decide what I wanted.

Suddenly, I could hear the sound of tires screeching against the burning hot pavement. It felt like I had suddenly froze in time. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. A big white truck was speeding towards us. Its tires screamed to stop, but the truck's puppet master wasn't going to, by the looks of it.
I was lifted from my feet by my arms by the boy I called my brother. He could've ran, but he didn't. Instead, he hurled me away from the car.
The last thing I remembered was seeing him, along with the car and the gas station explode right before my eyes. The roar was loud enough to make one go deaf, the smoke was enough to blind anyone walking by. I knew he was gone.

Or was he?
There he was, sitting right in front of me. There was no way he could've survived that explosion— not sure anyone did. As much as I wanted to ask him how he was alive, or better yet, what in the actual fuck was he doing there, my throat wouldn't allow a single sound to pass by it.

"It's me, Jessie. Jonathan. I've been looking for you. Dad's been looking for you!" He exclaimed in a whisper.
What did he mean by dad? I tilted my head, hoping he'd understand, but instead, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up to my feet.

"C'mon. I'll take you to meet him." He said, then began to pull me back into the woods. I wanted to fight him on it. We were in Jason's woods after all, and the last thing I wanted was to see my brother get sliced up by the machete wielding boogie  man himself. I was just going to have to make sure I could protect him, the same way he protected me.

We walked for some time. Luckily, Jonathan provided the information I needed; though, it wasn't very pleasant.

"After the explosion, I was brought back to life by our grandmother. Can't quite place a time on how long I was out, but when I went to go find you, you and your mom had moved away. I tried to find you, but you just...disappeared. It was pretty tough, y'know?"

I tried to feel sad, but I just couldn't. In fact, I was furious. Mom never told me I had a brother. I probably had somewhat of a normal life with him around, but it was all taken away by some stupid truck and a greedy doctor. That gave me more of a reason to follow this 'grandmother's' demands.

Once I got out of Camp Crystal Lake, I was going to paint those horrible white walls with Dr. Fuckface's blood. I was going to make her proud.

She's so damn edgy, I s w e a r!
Anyways, Jonathan belongs to @Lightningstorm12 ! Go check out his work!

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