Chapter 11

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"What do we do? Shit— you don't think they're in here? Mom, what the fuck do we do?!" Jane asked between fast, short breaths. Mom herself was panicking, but not as bad as Jane. I was trying to keep calm; I mean, Grayson was listing off ways we could die, Jane was going to suffocate herself if she didn't calm down any sooner, and mom was too scared to think logically. I was scared, no doubt about it, but I knew, if anybody was going after us, it was Jessie.

"It's Jessie." I announced, but of course, they weren't listening.

"I can't— I can't do this again!" Jane screamed. Grayson held onto his head and began to cackle to himself. Mom quickly tended to both twins. She was too busy to listen to me. I huffed in annoyance, then dashed upstairs to my room. I dove to my closet and tore open the secret door, then scooped out Jessie's documented existence. I dropped the evidence on my bed and spread it in a line. The progress report— what did it say about her?

"Today, I spoke with my niece, Jessie— or as Dr. Schmitz calls her...project JV3. Jessie seems to be regaining her memory, which is a relief to me. She remembered how she was placed in this hell-forsaken hospital, and she still remembers the remarkable nickname we gave Dr. Schmitz.
There is only one downside to this sudden improvement of memories. Jessie was born with Voorhees blood. While it is merely a miracle she can survive the fatal injuries Dr. Schmitz has whipped her with, she may also have the thirst for vengeance, just like Jason his mother, Pamela Voorhees."

"So she's not exactly after us...she is, but—"
"—her target's Ralph." Came Grayson's soft voice from behind. I turned around and looked up at him, adjusting my glasses.
"I thought you were downstairs," I mumbled.
"I was, but I heard what you said." He answered with a small smirk. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to know about this anymore.

"Grayson, you're not thinking what I think you are...are you?" I asked nervously. My older brother only answered with a snicker, then trotted out of my room, whistling a happy tune. Uh oh...
I jumped to my feet and sped out of my room. Before I could even make it to the stairs, a gloved hand grabbed ahold of my arm and dragged me into Grayson's room. He clamped another hand over my mouth just for safe measures. I quickly stomped on his foot and ripped myself from his grip.

"Grayson!" I screamed, "Snap out of it before you do something stupid!" I turned to face him, but his face was hidden by the same mask him and Jane had worn earlier that day. I could feel my tongue dry and my throat swell up. What was I supposed to say when I was face-to-face with a potential maniac.
My brother— or whoever this Grayson was, held a finger up to his frowning lips. I did as I was told and watched him grab a couple of things. A camera, his pocket knife and a box of matches.

Without a word, he opened the window and waved to me, then leapt out. I ran to the window and looked down, hoping this was just some sick joke, but he was already rushing to the woods.

I couldn't just let my brother go after someone much more dangerous than him. She could survive a knife to the throat; Grayson couldn't survive whatever she had planned— and if it wasn't her to kill him, it would for sure be Jason's job to finish him off.
In order to avoid having to go to another family member's funeral, I crawled out the window and carefully climbed down, the water pipe running up the side of the house being the only thing helping me from plummeting to the ground. My palms were leaking with anxiety, but fortunately, they only stuck to the pipe, making my mission a lot easier.
I cringed a little when my feet reached the cold, damp grass. Shoes would have been a good idea...
I brushed that disgusting feeling away and looked the direction Grayson went, then ran down it.

"Grayson! Wait!" I cried as I chased after my brother in the dark, twisted woods.

ROUGH DRAFT OF Slasher Kids Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now