Chapter 9

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Ayyy two chapters in one day! Happy Friday!

Jessie's P.O.V

Once I arrived back to Crystal Lake's exit, I noticed a cloth resting on a rock. Out of curiosity, I picked it up and examined it. Nothing special about it. I wrapped it around my waist. Why the fuck did people think it was okay to leave their shit wherever they wanted?

Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch Ch
  Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Of fucking course.

I turned around, only to be met with none other than Jason Voorhees himself— apparently my father. I couldn't tell him who I was or what I was doing in his woods. Even if I could, I was certain he wouldn't give a shit and just kill me anyway.

He raised his machete over his head. It was just dying to be polished with my blood. I did the only logical thing anybody would do and booked it. I ran as fast as I could and didn't look back. My eyes were glued to the path in front of me. The wind slapped my face and plugged my ears. I couldn't die. Not yet. Not until Ralph did.

My legs wanted to give out so bad, but I ignored their pleads to stop. I didn't stop until a hill my vision had failed to spot earlier caused me to lose my footing. I tripped and tumbled down it, hitting every rock on the damned thing.
Great. Perfect horror movie death. Trip over thin air.

When I reached the bottom, I fell hard on my chest, knocking the very little air out of my burning lungs. My thumping heart drowned out my hearing, but I could feel someone approaching me. I turned over on my back, too weak to get back up and continue running. My vision began to blur, yet the clearest thing I could see was Jason's hockey mask.
Welp. I had it coming. He raised his machete over his head once again, and everything went black.

"Fan-fucking-tastic. Let me guess. "Jessie! You failed me! You're such a disappointment!" Is that what you were gonna say?" I looked around the dark void, but Pamela was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't hear her; couldn't see her.
Was this death? Was I really dead? Man. No wonder Ralph didn't want to pass. An empty void of nothing. Unless I wasn't really dead.

Just as soon as I accepted the nothingness, a strange sound echoed from afar. I couldn't quite hear who they were. I couldn't even tell where they were coming from. The voice started off as a soft whisper, but it would progressively get louder and louder. It was coming from behind, so I bolted away.
"Come back! Come back!" It screamed. I wasn't stupid. The good thing about being stuck in your own consciousness was that you didn't have to worry about getting tired. I could run for hours if I had to.

I ran until finally, a door appeared in front of me. It was so close, yet so far. The closer I got to it, the farther it would get. If I wasn't getting chased by whatever the fuck was chasing me, I would've given up.
"Jessie! Jessie!"
"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed back while taking a glance back. My eyes widened at what carried the voice. Four figures wearing masks with huge, dark, sad eyes and a large frown for the mouth. I couldn't tell what they were, but at the same time, they looked so familiar.

I jolted awake in a cold sweat. Great. Still alive. I rubbed my throbbing head and groaned quietly, then looked around to see where I was. Definitely not where I was before. I was behind a bush; the sound of cars honking from a distance replaced the quiet Crystal Lake night sky. Did Jason...spare me? The fuck?

I carefully stood up and peered from behind the bush. In front of me was a house. Looked about two stories, but somehow smaller compared to the rest of the houses. It had a yellow and brown color scheme...including the lawn. Jesus, I could hear the crunch all the way over here. My eyes suddenly landed on two cars; a red truck— Dr. Roberts? And a small black car.

Ralph's. Thanks dad.

I kept my eye on the door and waited to see what was going on. Once it swung open, I ducked down.

"Quit giving me that attitude, boy." Ralph growled. Was that his son? He never mentioned having a son...then again, he never talked to me about his family. Once I heard the car zoom away, I took my chance and stood up, then bolted to the house. I pulled at his car door, but it was locked. That wasn't going to stop me. I looked around and grabbed a large rock, then smashed the back window with it. Damn it felt good. It was going to feel way better when I smashed his head instead of his window. I snuck to the back of the house and waited.

ROUGH DRAFT OF Slasher Kids Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now