Chapter 12

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"Grayson! Come on!" I pleaded as my brother sprinted deeper and deeper into the woods. He wouldn't listen to me. If it weren't for the camera's dim screen, I would have lost him in the darkness.

The chase felt like it was never-ending. Nothing seemed to slow him down enough for me to catch up to him. Leaping over roots, ducking under branches while silently praying that my stamina would hold out just a little bit longer, until finally, my eyes watered in joy when he finally stopped at an abandoned shack.
"Grayson..." I wheezed, carefully approaching my brother's side. He didn't answer. Instead, he pointed the camera at the shack, capturing its broken image like a tourist staring in awe at Mount Minsi.

Just before I could open my mouth to say something, Grayson fell to his knees, letting out a low groan. It was a little hard to see what was wrong, but when my eyes met the soulless blue eyes that belonged to a girl holding a rusty hammer, I knew we were screwed.
"Jessie," I stammered. She glared down at me and raised her hammer, but before she could bring her weapon down to my head, Grayson leapt up and tackled her to the ground.

The two fought like two hungry wolves. I didn't have to see the blood be spilt, I could hear their flesh rip open and Grayson groan every now and then. He was going to die if I didn't do anything. I looked around frantically, then quickly settled on a rock next to Grayson's fallen camera. Without thinking twice, I scooped the rock up and ran into the fight.

That was a big mistake. Not my smartest move. Fists were being thrown around blindly. One of them nailed me straight in the face, knocking me on my back. My eye was already throbbing, but I leapt up and ran back into the cloud.
The smell of rotting flesh and Grayson's cologne were the only things keeping me from missing my target. When I had the chance, I slammed it into the rotting flesh's skull. The sound of her body crumble to the ground squeezed out the breath that had been stuck inside my chest.

Grayson put a gloved hand on my shoulder and gave it a weak squeeze.
"Nice job..." he murmured. I would've smiled, but the aching pain in my eye was keeping me stiff. I just nodded and mumbled a small, "no problem," then held my hand over my injured eye.

"What do we do with her?" I asked softly, watching Grayson scoff under his breath, realizing his camera was on the ground. He picked up his precious gem, brushed off the dirt from it and cradled it in his arms. I could faintly see the metallic crimson leak from his nose and drip down his eyes like the tears he could never release. He turned his camera off and placed it in his hoodie pocket.
"Leave her here. She'll come back," He said confidently, then walked towards me and grabbed my free hand.
"Come on," he whispered before guiding me away from the shack.

The walk home was quiet. I couldn't wrap my head around how he knew his way home so easily and- well I couldn't figure out what had just happened at all. One minute, I'm chasing my brother through the woods, the next, our missing cousin nearly kills us.
"She knows where we live," I glanced back the direction that we had come from.
"She's after Ralph. Why else do you think she smashed the back of his car?" He asked.
"How do you know it was her?" I added to the list of questions that continued to grow each second.
"Please. Mom said she hated him, remember? She probably tried to kill us because..."
He paused, bringing our walk to a stop. I could feel both of our brows raise in realization.
We were at Crystal Lake earlier. She must've seen us- or maybe Jason saw us- maybe even that boy we saw her with earlier.

"...wanna talk about this later?" Grayson asked with a nervous chuckle. I squeezed his hand and we booked it home.

Short chapter but eh-

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