Chapter 13

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When we reached home, Jane and mom were waiting outside, both of them had worried expressions on their faces. I glanced at Grayson, hoping he'd explain, but he only walked passed me and rushed inside. I huffed in annoyance and approached my mom, who was waiting patiently for an explanation, so I gave it to her.
"It was Jessie. She's here. She smashed Ralph's car!" I stammered.
"So you run off in the woods?" Jane asked.
"Grayson ran off and I went after him!" I shouted. She didn't have to act like my mom.

"Let's talk about this inside." Mom suggested, to which we all agreed to and the three of us headed back inside, mom carefully locked the door.

"You were saying?" Mom asked, crossing her arms. I glanced at Jane, but she too kept her mouth shut. Was I just their scape-goat? Her and Grayson were the ones messing around with her. It was their idea to go to Camp Crystal Lake, not mine. As much as I wanted to place the blame on my irresponsible older siblings, I just sucked it up and took a seat at the table.

"When we went to Crystal Lake, Jane and Grayson got footage of Jessie. She must've followed us...Grayson ran after her and I ran after him- and we ended up at this weird abandoned shack- and he was just recording it- but then Jessie jumped at him and they fought and Grayson knocked her out and—"
"—okay, okay. Calm down," Mom ruffled my hair, but she couldn't hide the fear in her eyes. She sighed and took a seat next to me, then mumbled something under her breath. "Ralph talked about this. He said she was out there, but—"
"Yeah. We heard." Grayson abruptly interrupted her with a sassy tone. He was standing at the top of the stairs with fresh clothes on.

Mom gave him a cold glare, completely throwing away what she was trying to say and picked up Grayson's well-deserved scolding.
"What were you thinking? Running off like that! Get down here." She ordered. Grayson hesitantly obeyed, but he kept a fair distance between him and mom. Mom immediately closed that gap and grabbed his arm.

"You could have gotten hurt." She narrowed her eyes down at him. I felt this as a perfect opportunity to get my revenge on him.
"He did get hurt." I butted in. Grayson squinted at me, but I fluttered my eyes innocently and stuck out my bottom lip.

"Show me." Mom demanded. He knew he couldn't get out of this even if he tried. With the roll of his eyes, my older brother turned around and lifted his shirt, revealing his back was wrapped up in blood-soaked bandages. Mom, Jane and I all gaped at the injury. I didn't think he had gotten hurt THAT bad- he ran pretty fast and fought hard enough. Even with the bandages, we could all tell how severe the injury was. It made my attitude drop. If Jessie had hit him hard enough, it would have killed him.

"Jane, watch your sister." Mom said with a shaky voice. Without any warning, she grabbed Grayson and dragged him to the bathroom to get him fixed up. My sister and I stared at each other in silence. We hadn't thought this through. Jessie's disappearance was what drew us to her, but now that she was here- now that she knew where we lived- what were we supposed to do? Follow in Ralph's footsteps and kill her? Maybe Ralph was right to kill her.

"We messed up." I admitted. Jane's eyes widened. Messing up in her eyes was like a knife to the heart. She shook her head in denial.
"No we didn't."
I glared up at my sister. How could she say we didn't mess up, when we clearly did.
"We went to that camp. Why? Theres plenty of woods over here to record your stupid project!" I exclaimed, "You didn't want to get the 'creepy aesthetic,' you just wanted to get to Jessie before Ralph did!"
"That was the whole point, Gisele! Can you imagine what Ralph'll do if he finds her?" Jane shouted.
"Imagine what she'll do to us! We crossed the barrier, Jane! Ralph's one story, but Jessie- she was built to kill! She could have killed me and Grayson back there!" I shouted back. Jane opened her mouth to argue back, but mom's muffled voice from the bathroom cut her off.
"Knock it off! Both of you!"

Jane and I glared at each other. Without even saying a word, we both knew that this discussion wasn't over. Jane huffed and went to the table, where our uneaten food was, and handed me a bag with my order. I decided I didn't want to associate with her anymore and took the food to my room; something we weren't ever allowed to do.

When I got to my room, I closed my door and flung the paper bag on my bed, then flopped down next to it. It was just so tiring. First, we had to deal with our psychotic father nearly killing us, now we had to worry about our undead cousin. It was like we were the only prey in a world dominated by predators. Ralph, dad, Jessie, maybe even Jason Voorhees himself. We just couldn't get a break. I thought I had recovered; after years of therapy- after weeks of an endless cycle of horrible nightmares about our dad holding that sharp blade in his hands- we were back to fearing for our lives; only this time, it was our own fault.

It felt like we were in a horror movie. A never-ending horror movie.

Ayyy first day of September, which means it's socially acceptable to be spooky! So, I was SUPPOSED to be in college, but I got nervous and couldn't figure out what to major in- aaaaaand classes got full, so I couldn't register for any, so I really have nothing to do until Winter.
The goal is to finish this book by Halloween and start Volume 2, then after that, I was thinking about writing a Creepypasta vs Slasher Kids story- though I'm unsure about it.
Anyways, I just wanted to apologize- I don't know why, I just feel like I have to. It kinda feels like this book is dragging on- but at the same time, it feels like it's going too fast in a way; also, it doesn't feel spooky.
So like
If you're here for the spookiness, let me know what I can do to satisfy you ^^

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