Finding Out

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(Emily's POV)

I open my eyes, squinting my eyes as they adjust to the rays of light shining through room. My eyes finally adjust and I look to see Daniel sleeping next to me, his back turned to me. I sigh, knowing our wedding day is today. I get out of bed quietly, trying not to wake up Daniel. I walk into the bathroom, brushing my hair. As I brush my hair, I feel arms wrap around my waist, "Good morning gorgeous", I hear Daniel say happily as he kisses my neck. I stop brushing my hair, turning towards him, "Hey", I say softly. Daniel scrunches his nose, rubbing his nose with mine, "Your so cute, you know that?", he asks me. I smile, looking into his soft brown eyes, "You tell me everyday", I say with a smile. Daniel chuckles, kissing me softly on the lips. He lets go, taking a breath, "Today is the wedding", he says softly as he lets go of my waist, heading downstairs. I nod, starting to brush my hair again, "Yep", I say happily. I put the brush away, letting my hair hang it my natural loose curls.  I then walk out of the bathroom, heading downstairs. As I walk downstairs, my stomach starts to hurt. I lay my hand on my stomach, rubbing it, "Please don't let me be sick on the day of my wedding", I say worriedly. I then sit at the table, my hand still lying on my stomach as I try to settle it, "Em's, you okay?", I hear Daniel ask me as he cooks bacon. I nod, taking a deep breath, "Yeah, just having a stomach ache", I say softly, rubbing my stomach lightly. Daniel walks away from the stove, coming over to me, "Here, let me give you some medicine", he says as he takes my hand in his hand, rubbing my hand. I nod, "Okay, I just don't want to be sick on our wedding day", I say worriedly. Daniel looks into my soft brown eyes, still holding my hand, "You won't be, trust me, we are gonna get you better", he says. Daniel then raises my hand, bringing my hand up to his lips, kissing my hand, "I love you", he says happily. I look up at him, smiling, "I love you too", I say. Daniel then leans in, kissing me lightly on the lips, pulling away to look at me, "Let me get your medicine", he says softly. I nod, my stomach ache getting worse. I then feel like I'm gonna throw up, "I'll be right back Daniel", I say as I rush to the bathroom. I run to the downstairs bathroom, getting to the toilet in time to puke my guts out. I puke a couple times, finally getting a breath, "Em's, are you okay?", asks Daniel from the kitchen. I wipe my mouth off, heading out of the bathroom to feel sick again. I head back into the bathroom and throw up, struggling to breathe a little bit. I then hear footsteps fast-walking down the hall. I throw up again, feeling like I just ran a marathon. As I throw up for what seems like the millionth time, I feel warm hands touch the back of my neck as I feel Daniel pull my dirty blond hair out of my face, "It's okay", says Daniel calmly. I breath violently, trying to catch my breath, "I don't know what's wrong with me", I say softly. Daniel runs my back, "It's okay, we are gonna get down to the bottom of this", he says encouragingly. I nod, too sick to talk. Daniel then picks me up, carrying me like a baby, "Here, your gonna rest in bed, until Charlotte comes here to pick you up", he says as he lies me in bed, pulling the covers over me. I nod, exhaling, "Thank you", I say softly. Daniel smiles, "Anything for my soon to be wife", he says. I smile wearly, closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

An hour later

I wake up, looking around to see my wedding dress on a hanger, hanging on my closet. I sigh, rubbing my eyes, "Hey, your awake", I hear a soft voice say to me. I turn towards the doorway to see Charlotte looking at me, smiling, "Hey Charlotte", I say softly, smiling. Charlotte smiles, coming over to me, then her smile disappearing, "I heard you have been throwing up all morning", she says worriedly. I shrug my shoulders, knowing it will probably go away, "Eh, It'll go away, probably just the stomach flu", I say. I then feel sick again. I jump out of bed and rush to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet, "I don't think that's a stomach flu", says Charlotte worriedly. I catch my breath, leaning over the toilet on my knees, "Charlotte, it probably is", I say. Charlotte shakes her head, looking down at me, "Emily, I think you may have the flu or if it isn't that, then you can......."Charlotte stops her words before gasping, "What? What's wrong with me?", I ask nervously, thinking it might be the flu. Charlotte then shakes her head, a smile appearing on her face, "No, you could be pregnant", she says, small smile on her face. I freeze. I'm not ready for a baby yet, I don't know how good of a mother I'll be. I then start to breath fast, freaking out, "Hey, Hey Emily, it's okay, it could just be the flu, who knows but, can we take a test just in case?", she asks me softly. I rest my hands on my stomach, leaning up against the toilet, "Sure", I say worriedly. Charlotte then heads out of the bathroom, "I'm gonna head to the market and get some stuff for the wedding, I'll pick up the test there", she says as she walks downstairs. I sit up, feeling dizzy, "Okay", I say weakly. I then hear the door close, knowing Charlotte has left me at the house alone. I sigh, thinking about parenthood, "Em's, I'm home", I hear Daniel say from downstairs. I start to stand, feeling sick and dizzy, "Em's", I hear Daniel call out from downstairs. I walk downstairs slowly, getting to the bottom to see Daniel, laying his suit on the counter, "Hey, feeling better?", he asks me as he walks over to me. I shrug my shoulders, keeping my hand on my stomach, "No, I'm still throwing up", I say wearily. Daniel sighs sadly, "Wanna go to the doctor and check it out?", he asks me as he rubs his thumb on my cheek, looking into my eyes. I shake my head, "I'm good, Charlotte is coming back with some medicine, I should be fine when I get some more medicine down me", I say tiredly. Daniel nods, "Okay, I guess but, if your still not feeling good, we are gonna go to the doctors", he says concerned. I nod, keeping my hand on my stomach, "I'm here", I hear Charlotte say. I turn around to see her at the door, carrying bags, "Hi, did you get it?", I ask Charlotte, referring to the test. Charlotte nods, "Yeah", she says. Daniel looks at me kinda funny, "What's it?", he asks me confused. I really don't want to tell Daniel the possibility of me being pregnant until I'm sure of it, so I lie to him, "Oh, just some stuff I wanted for after the wedding, you know", I say, lying really good like I always do. Daniel nods slowly, "Okay", he says. Charlotte looks at me excitedly, taking my hand, "Come on, let's go upstairs and get ready", she says, giving me a wink as she drags me upstairs. I get upstairs, heading into the bathroom, "Here", she says as she rips the test out of the box, handing it to me. I take a deep breath in and out, "What if I am pregnant?", I ask Charlotte, taking the test from her. Charlotte smiles, "Then your going to be a mother and I'm gonna be an aunt", she says happily. I sigh, nodding, "Okay", I say. Charlotte walks out of the bathroom for me to take the test. I take the test, waiting for the results. As I wait, I hear Charlotte outside of the door, "Are the results in yet?", she asks excitedly. I look at the test, seeing the results, "Yeah", I say softly. Charlotte opens the door to see me holding the test in my hand, "Sooooo, what is it?", she asks me. I look at it, taking a deep breath, "Positive", I say softly. Charlotte freezes, then smiles, jumping up and down, "Em's, I'm so happy for you, we gotta tell Daniel, he'll be thrilled, he's gonna be a father", she says as she grabs my hand, taking me downstairs. We get to the bottom to see Daniel coming out of the downstairs bathroom, dressed in his suit, "Hey, what's all the excitement up there?", he asks with a smile as he runs his hands through his hair. I lay my hand on my stomach, feeling sick, "Daniel, I have a present for you", I say softly. Charlotte jumps up and down, smiling, "Tell him already", she says excitedly. Daniel comes towards me, putting his hand on my shoulder, "Can it wait till after our wedding?", he asks with a smile. I smile, nodding, "Yeah but, it's really big", I say with a small smile. Daniel rolls his eyes, smiling, "Well than, do you want to tell me now or after the wedding?", he asks me. I look down at my feet, shuffling nervously, "I need to tell you now", I say worriedly. Daniel nods, looking at me, "You okay Em's? You seem nervous", he says as he looks into my eyes. I nod, "Yeah, just don't know what you'll say about the present", I say. Daniel shakes his head, "I'm not gonna be mad, it's a present, say it", he says, smiling. I nod, taking a deep breath, " I found out why I was throwing up", I say softly. Daniel looks at me confused, "Why?", he asks. I look at Charlotte to see her smiling, jumping up and down, "I found out today that you are gonna be a father", I blurt out nervously. Daniel freezes, raising his eyebrows, "Your pregnant?", he asks me. I smile, nodding my head, "I just found out today", I say. Daniel smiles, hugging me, "I can't believe it, we're gonna be parents", he says happily as he looks at me. I smile, "Yep", I say. Daniel looks down at my stomach, laying his hand on my flat stomach, "Your gonna be a great mother", he says as he looks up at me, keeping his hand on my stomach. I look down, smiling, "Sure", I say. Charlotte then smiles as she keeps jumping up and down, "I'm gonna be an aunt YAY!!!!", she says happily, skipping around the house. Daniel looks at me, smiling, "This is the best present I have ever received", he says as he kisses me on the lips. I kiss him back, staying there for a couple of seconds before pulling away, "Should we tell your family this?", I ask. Daniel keeps his hand on my stomach, rubbing it softly, "No, wait till you maybe show a bit", he says. I nod, looking at the time on my watch, "Oh! The wedding starts in an hour, I gotta get ready", I say nervously. Charlotte takes my hand, pulling me out the door, "Let's head to the church, I'm gonna help you get ready", she says. I wave to Daniel before getting pulled out the door, my t-shirt and pajama shorts still on, no shoes, just bare feet, "Charlotte, I need to get my shoes and what about my wedding dress? It's still hanging in my room, "I say. Charlotte opens the door to her car for me, motioning for me to get in the front seat, "Get it, I'll get your wedding dress for you", she says as she closes the front door, running back into the house. I sigh, leaning back in the seat, "I can't believe it", I say to myself quietly. I then see Charlotte, walking to the car, with my wedding dress in her arms, "Here, let's head out", she says as she puts the wedding dress in the back seat, closing the door. She opens the front door, getting into the driver's seat, closing the door, "So, have you thought of names yet?", she asks me smiling as she starts the car, backing out of the driveway. I shake my head, "Well, we don't even know the gender", I say, resting my hands on my stomach. Charlotte stops at a stoplight, turning towards me, "How about Olivia for a girl? Or Ava? Or Isabella? Oh! Maybe Ella? Ooooooh I like Elizabeth", she exclaims, blurting out names. I sigh, looking out the window, "And for a boy?", I ask. Charlotte drives again, thinking, "Oh! How about Noah? Or Henry? Or maybe Carter? I like that name! Or maybe Dylan? Or Charlie? Awe, I love that name", she says, blurting out every name she can think about. I sigh, "What if they're twins? Maybe just one baby?", I ask as we pull up in front of the church, parking the car. Charlotte shrugs her shoulders, getting put of the car, "Then they are twins or just one baby, Emily, relax, your going to be a great mother ", she says as she opens my door, taking my hand. I sigh,getting out of the car, "Okay", I say as we wall into the church, getting ready for the happiest day of my life.

Author's Note
Hey guys, so this is the new fanfic I started. I know I know, I'm obsessed with Revenge but, I love it so much that I wanted to write a story about it. Anyway, hope you enjoy and comment any ideas you want!!! Enjoy!!!

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