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Natalia was getting worried about Logan. He left without telling her where he was going. On normal basis, he would tell her when he was going out, even if he was going to the café a few blocks away.

When they left, Logan's driver, Thuso, told his wife, Mosetsana, where they were going. Unfortunately, Natalia could not ask her because she had been rude to her all day. It was almost time to knock off but instead of packing up her things, Natalia went to Logan's office and waited for him there.

A few minutes after settling down on Logan's chair, Mosetsana came to the office and peeked her head in. "Thuso just called, he says they are on their way from the airport." She said, and Natalia nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow then." She said with a small smile and stuck her head out, about to leave, but Natalia stopped her.

"Mosetsana?" Natalia said in a high-pitched voice, and Mosetsanagape reappeared again. "I'm sorry about earlier." She said grimly, her eyes moist from all the emotions coursing through her body.

Mosetsana walked in and stood next to the door. "We all have bad days, Natalia, I understand. I just hope everything works out just fine." She said warmly.

Natalia nodded and blinked away her tears. "Me too, thanks." She said with a small smile. Mosetsana left the office, and Natalia remained for the next hour before Logan arrived.

When Logan walked into the office, it was slightly dark. He switched on the light and shielded his eyes from the blinding light.

He looked exhausted.

His shirt was tucked out of his pants and left unbuttoned, his tie was totally untangled, his collar was unfolded, and he was holding his jacket in his hands. He rubbed his eyes and by the time he opened them, he was shocked to find Natalia sleeping on his chair. He threw his jacket on the couch and took steady steps around his desk. "Nat?" He whispered as he touched her shoulder.

She jerked up in fright before she relaxed as she noticed the familiar face. "Logan, you are back." She said softly as she rubbed her eyes and yawned. She got up from his chair and looked everywhere except at him. She walked around him and went to sit on the couch, and Logan followed her and they sat in awkward silence.

"I'm sorry about-" They both started, and they stared at each other. "You first!" They both said at the same time before they burst out into laughter, dismissing the awkwardness.

"Okay, ladies first." Logan said after his laughter subsided, and Natalia gave him a small smile.

"Look, Logan..." She started as she fiddled with her fingers. Logan took hold of her hands and squeezed them. She looked up and met his eyes, and he gave her that smile that only she ever got to see, and she knew immediately that there was nothing to forgive, but she apologised anyway. "I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I was angry and I said things I shouldn't have said. Cameron is your brother and you have every right to decide how you want to punish him."

"No, Natalia, there's nothing to be sorry for." Logan sighed as he rested his head against the couch and stared at the ceiling. "If anyone should be sorry, it is me." He tilted his head so that he was facing her. "What I did was irresponsible, and I'm glad you confronted me, otherwise I wouldn't have gone to London to find out the truth." He gave her a reassuring smile and squeezed her hand. "I didn't find Cameron, but I spoke to Jorge and he cleared some things for me."

"I'm sure he was sorry as hell." Natalia said, and Logan scoffed.

"Like hell he was, he will never take me seriously. Imagine pouring my heart out to him, only for him to ask if I was satisfied." Logan said, and Natalia chuckled, her eyes twinkling in humour. "But anyway, it's a good thing that I went to see him, and he led me to the mastermind behind it all. David Botha. So after we left London, Thuso and I went to search for David in Australia."

"How did that go?" Natalia asked.

"Even better than I expected, you won't believe who I ran into in Sydney." Logan smirked, and Natalia's interest amplified.

"Who?" She asked as she sat up straight.

"Sonya's Nana."

"What? No, isn't she supposed to be sick?" Natalia asked.

"That was what I thought too until I saw her. The old hag is much healthier than her granddaughters said she was, and you won't believe what she told me. Apparently, our dear Sonya is on a paid leave, and she is in Durban at her boyfriend's house." Logan said with a smirk.

"No ways!" Natalia gasped.

"That's not even the best past. When I asked her about her other granddaughter, she was slightly shocked, and she might have said in not so many words that Sonya Smith does not have a sister." Logan said, and Natalia's eyes widened.

Now that was not something she expected to hear tonight. "What is that supposed to mean?" She asked, still in a daze.

"That, my dear Natalia, means that May Smith is a fraud, and that we are going to beat them at their own game. I'm going to play nice with May Smith, and just when she thinks all is well, I am going to strike, but for now, I have to take care of something." Logan said with a mischievous glint in his eyes, causing Natalia to narrow her eyes at him.

"What is it?" She asked suspiciously, and his mood darkened tenfold.

"We are going to pay Sonya Smith a visit." He said coldly with a faraway look.

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