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The next morning, Logan Parker had a lot to look forward to; however, he was still a little dazed because of Natalia who had seemed a bit down last night. He had a lot to do for the day, and would not have time to chat to her, thus he arrived at 7a.m. so that he could catch her since she was one of the first few people to arrive.

However, he was shocked when he arrived in his office to find the person he least expected. He stood frozen at his door as he watched her back. "Is everything okay here?" Logan asked, but he was greeted by silence.

He walked to where she was and stood next to her. "It is beautiful, isn't it?" He asked with his hands in his pockets as his eyes locked on the view outside the window. Parker's Enterprises was one of the tallest buildings around the area, and one could see most of Cape Town from the top floor.

"Not what I am used to." She muttered quietly, secretly comparing the view to the view from her office back in London.

Logan smirked at her knowingly; she had only 'worked' for him for three days but he had already concluded that she was very stubborn and she did not like to admit. He saw this as his cue to make a move. "You know, you are so different from all the PA's I've had in the past. Of course, except for Sonya." He said while staring out the window.

"I believe there will always be one distinctive character that makes one person different from the next. What is your theory?" MJ asked dryly, unwittingly playing into his trap. Logan smirked in triumph as he moved from her side and stood with his back to the window, blocking her view. MJ stood in front of him and crossed her arms. "It is rude to keep a lady waiting." She raised her eyebrow at him.

Logan sighed and looked at her, studying her face for anything to indicate if his opinion mattered to her or not, even a hint of an emotion, but he found none. This woman was a closed book, he would not know what was inside of it until he opened it and read it, and from the look of things, he was not going to get the chance to open this book because tomorrow would be her last day at work. At least for now. He thought.

"That is the thing; most women would have bowed to my feet and they would have gotten the feel of my bed within the first twenty four hours of our meeting." He bit the inside of his mouth when he realised what he had just insinuated. "Listen, I-" he tried to explain remembering that to her, he was still the jerk that offered her bottle of champagne in exchange for a night in his bed chambers. That would now be two consecutive insults on his account.

MJ leaned against the back of his chair, with her hands placed on the desk behind her back. "I understand." She said with a blank face, and they fell into silence. "Well, so I guess we have already established that I am not like most of your PA's and I'm most definitely unlike most women you have ever met." MJ said after a while and glanced at her feet for a second, causing her hair to fall to her face.

Logan followed the action and his hand moved impulsively to remove the strands of hair polluting her face. She looked up and his hand shifted to the side of her lips, their eyes locked for a second before MJ gripped his hand and removed it from her face. "I would strongly advise you to keep your hands to yourself." She said coldly, but Logan smirked.

"Point proven." He said proudly.

It took a second for MJ to process what he said. Her eyes snapped to his, and she wished she had not looked at him. Looking into Logan's eyes reminded her of the old days, back in high school, a story that changed her life forever. She wondered how scarred he was compared to her since that unforgettable accident.

Logan's phone rang and he sighed as he broke the contact. "You know, I've never lost a staring contest to a woman before." He said proudly, and MJ smirked.

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