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“This is a special party for a very special person. We have a lot of things lined up for you, but before we continue, I would like for us to give the birthday girl’s brother a chance to speak. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Jorge Billings to the stage!” Anita said, and the guests clapped as Jorge made his way to the stage.

“Uhm…first of all, I would like to thank you for coming at such a short notice, I’m really grateful for that, thank you.” Jorge spoke up. “People often ask me what’s the most important thing in my life, and the answer is always the same – MJ Billings." He said with much-held adoration. "You are probably listening to me right now, and if you are, I want you to know that I love you, MJ, and my words don't even begin to describe my love for you." He said and his eyes wandered over the crowd, the only person he was looking for, missing. "Not only did our mother leave this world on this day twenty-eight years ago, but she also left me with the most beautiful gift, an irreplaceable gift – and that’s you, MJ.” 

"Awww!" The crowd cooed, and a few like Antonina and Reina cried.

Silence followed and people looked around as if expecting MJ Billings to walk through the entrance or walk down the stairs, but nothing happened. The silence grew into tension until someone broke it.

“Wow! I don’t even know where to start. It’s not every day a woman like MJ Billings asks you to give a speech on her behalf.” Everyone watched Shannon as she took the stage and stood next to Jorge. She gave him a sheepish smile and took out a golden card, and then started reading from it. “Good evening, everyone, my name is Shannon and I have a message from MJ Billings.” She said and took in a shaky breath. She looked up and found each and every person’s eyes trained on her. She searched the crowd for a familiar face and when her eyes landed on Lola, all fears dissipated. She took in a deep breath and opened the card again. "First of all, I'd like to apologize for my absence on this important event and thank all of you for coming to celebrate my birthday without me. And then to Jorge Billings, the best brother in the world, my father, my grandfather, my mother, my best friend, my knight in a very shiny armour – my everything, thank you so much for always being there for me. Thank you for all your love and support, I know I’m a tiny bit impossible at times, but you too are way too impossible at times. Well, more like a pain in the ass." She muttered the last part, which earned her some laughter from the guests and a glare from Jorge.

“You know I don’t say this often, but saying I love you does not do my love for you enough justice. I love you, Jorge.” Shannon said and hugged him tightly. “She suggested some other methods that might have included kicking you in the nuts, but I thought hugging you would be better, because that way, I will smell like you when I meet Courtney tomorrow.” She whispered in his ear, and he chuckled, wondering where his sister picked this girl. The guests stood up and gave them a very long and loud round of applause.
The night rolled by and they finally reached the end of their program, and it was time for the last dance which was a rumba battle between the men and women. All the female guests were escorted to another room and Shannon to a separate room.

“And now, for the big event, we can’t have a ball without a real dance.” Anita announced, and the lights deemed and the orchestra started to play a fast tune.

The ladies came from one side, wearing matching navy-blue dresses, except for Shannon who wore a long white dress.

The men came from the opposite side, and the dance began. They danced while exchanging partners in the process.

“I swear, I’m gonna kill someone today, you should see the way all the men in here are undressing you with their eyes.” Jorge said as he and Shannon danced together.

Shannon smirked at him. Jorge was a little tipsy, which was why he was acting so fond of her. “Would you rather it be you to undress me?” She asked teasingly.

Jorge watched her, a frown on his face. “I might consider doing that, so don’t tempt me.” He said huskily, and Shannon smiled proudly and laid her head on his chest.

The time came to switch partners, and soon Jorge was paired with Anita. “Jorge, I’ve tried to get that girl to dance with us, and she said yes. She was so excited until I mentioned that we had to change our dresses, and she started getting defensive.” Anita said to Jorge as they moved together.

“You mean Logan’s date? The one in a green dress?” Jorge asked and looked at Carmen who was sitting at the table alone.

“Blue.” Anita corrected.

“Same difference.” Jorge retorted.

“Not, but whatever, arguing with you is not an option.” She sighed. “So what do you think is up with her?” She asked, and Jorge just shrugged nonchalantly; he had not even realized that Logan was missing.

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