SUNDAY - 10:16 PM"OK, I have one!" Wyatt giggled, raising his hand in the air.
"Go on, then." Sophia smirked, gesturing her hand towards Wyatt from the other end of the sofa.
They were currently recounting things from two years ago — kind of like a remembrance and a brain refresher.
"OK, Jacks crush on F—"
Jack raced up and forward, clapping a hand over Wyatts mouth.
"No!" Jack scolded.
"Aw, c'mon Jack," Jeremy whined. "I wanna hear who the crush of the all mighty, Jack Dylan Grazer was, it was two years ago anyway no one cares. And it's unfair that only, Wyatt gets to know."
"Well, I do." Jack squinted his eyes at Jeremy, annoyance running through his head and making his brain clatter the sides of his skull. "And only, Watt knows because he's my best friend."
"I thought, Finn was your best friend." Jeremy raised an eyebrow.
"No, Finns my girlfriend." Jack joked, laughing.
From the other end of the room on the arm-chair, Finns cheeks turned red and he rolled his eyes playfully.
"Please, Jack." Sophia huffed, rolling off of the sofa and landing next to Jack. "For me?"
Jack sighed and hesitated, before looking back at her and nodding, grabbing her hand and leading her away from the room and into the hallway.
"Just me?" Sophia asked, raising an eyebrow in genuine curiosity.
"Yeah." Jacks face started going bright red. "I trust you to keep it between you and me."
Sophia smiled, putting a hand on his cheek. "Of course."
"OK. So I—"
"Used to have a crush on, Finn?" Sophia interrupted, a smirk on her face.
"Yes, I know. It was so obvious, Dude." She giggled.
Jack was speechless. He stood there with his body's frozen, not knowing what to do or say. His face flushed a deep red and he could feel the heat coursing through his body and going to his face, making him dizzy and his vision fuzzy.
"It's OK, I won't tell." She smiled softly, patting his messy hair.
"Thanks, Soph'." He sighed in relief, hugging her tightly.
"So, do you still?" She asked, muffling into his shirt. "I get strong vibes." She laughed.
"I think so," He chuckled. "It's funny isn't it? After two years, and I'm still hung on him. No wonder none of my girlfriends ever worked out for me."
"Yeah." She laughed.
They pulled apart from the hug, their hands connected as they refused to let each other go.

FanfictionThe IT cast were close in twenty-seventeen. They had fun, they laughed and giggled, they play-fought and they teased. But now that they're supposed to meet up two years later, Jack is terrified things won't be the same as they were two years ago. W...