Chapter 17: The Fault In Our Stars

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Ruby and I arrived at Connors yesterday afternoon and unpacked while Kelly ordered us and Con a pizza. May I add, we ate it all. It's Saturday morning and Ruby and I are top and tailing in the same bed

"RISE AND SHINE GIRLS!" Connor shouted, opening our bedroom door then opening the curtains. Instantly the room became so bright i had to squint to see in front of me

"CONNOR MY EYES" I shouted back, just as loud as him




"WHAT? CON-" I started but was cut off


"CONNOR, THATS DISGUSTING, I-" was cut off again by the doorbell ringing

"Ohhh, saved my the bell" he said smirking in a weird voice before running down the stairs to let who ever was at the door in

"Wow, he is loud" Ruby said sitting up laughing

"You like him loud" I replied smirking before laughing, which made Ruby glare at me before laughing along herself

"Hey hey hey" I heard Tristan say. I looked over out of the bedroom door to see him running towards us, jumping then landing on top of us

"Oi, you're bending her" Brad said entering the room

"You've already bent her so it's all good" Tristan replied to brad smirking. I instantly felt all eyes on me, my face blushing and my cheeks burning up

"I'm going to go and get dressed" I quickly said before grabbing my things and heading towards the bathroom and closing the door behind me

I quickly got a shower leaving washing my hair because it wasn't in need if washing, and you know, effort. I left it down naturally wavy, brushed my teeth, applied the usual makeup. I wore a pair of denim skinny jeans with a white crop top, a gold and yellow necklace with my black leather jacket

I walked out of the bathroom and into my bedroom to see Ruby wearing denim skinny jeans, a white, pink and green flowery top with a pink blazer, and to top the outfit off, a black fedora hat. Wow she looks stunning

"You look gorgeous!" I stated as Ruby smiled and twirled messing around

"Speak for yourself" she replied making me grin, my nose scrunched and my eyes squinted

"You know what this means?" I asked still grinning before pulling out my phone, putting it on the front camera as we both pouted snapping a selfie and uploading it into twitter, we always do this every time we look decent and we're going out

@AnnaSmithXx - &my favourite girl x @RubyMiller_

We headed down the stairs to see that Kelly and Simon were no where in sight, and Brad, Tris, James and Con were sat on the couch all on their phones... Very sociable boys

"Hey babe" said said opening his arms as I walked over to him, lent down gave him a quick hug, a sneaky kiss on the cheek and sitting on his knee

"Did you tell them?" I whispered into Brads ear. Referring to them to them two getting 'jiggy'

"I only told Tristan, and he told me he wouldn't tell anyone..." he whispered back into my ear

"You know what he's like, he can't keep secrets for his life"

"Will you be mad if he didn't say he didn't tell anyone?"


"Well he didn't say that" he whispered before quickly getting up and getting away from me before I asked him something else

"Bra-" I was cut off when Connor also stood up

"So, what shall we do?"he asked looking around at us all

"We could go to the cinemas?" Ruby suggested and we all nodded in agreement

"Okay, I'll drive" James said, considering he was the only one who could drive, he had to

"BAGSY THE FRONT" I shouted before running past everyone, out of the front door and to the passenger seat car door

"I want to get in the front" Con pouted

"What? No. James, tell him" I pouted myself, looking from Connor over to James

"Sorry mate, she called bagsy" he said unlocking the car doors and everyone got in


The car ride to the cinema was the same old. We put the radio on loud and everyone sang along to One Directions new single 'Story Of My Life' and the boys new single 'Last Night'

It didn't take that long to drive jt the cinema which was in town 15 minutes away. Ruby and I our tickets whilst the boys got the sweets, drinks and popcorn.

"We're watching The Fault In Our Stars" I smiled walking over to the boys who were not waiting to go into the screen room

"That's such a girly film" Connor moaned

"Yeah, for six girls" I shrugged walking past him over to the woman, followed by the boys, who ripped out tickets and told us where to go

We sat at the back of the room watching this, according to Con, a 'girly film' Brads fingers intwined with mine throughout the whole film.

We were now close to the end of the film were Hazel Grace is about to go to Augustus Waters funeral

'When you go into the ER, one of the first things they ask you to do is rate your pain on a scale of one to ten, and from there they decide which drugs to use and how quickly to use them. I'd been asked this question hundreds of times over the years, and I remember once early on when I couldn't get my breath and it felt like my chest was on fire, flames licking the inside of my ribs fighting for a way to burn out of my body, my parents took me to the ER. nurse asked me about the pain, and I couldn't even speak, so I held up nine fingers.

Later, after they'd given me something, the nurse came in and she was kind of stroking my head while she took my blood pressure and said, "You know how I know you're a fighter? You called a ten a nine."

But that wasn't quite right. I called it a nine because I was saving my ten. And here it was, the great and terrible ten, slamming me again and again as I lay still and alone in my bed staring at the ceiling, the waves tossing me against the rocks then pulling me back out to sea so they could launch me again into the jagged face of the cliff, leaving me floating faceup on the water, undrowned.'

As soon as she finished that sentence, you could hear everyone in the room burst our into tears, sniffs and little sobs, even the boys.

The film finally ended, we walked out of the screen room, everyone's eyes were red and puffy, Ruby and I were still crying

"Are you okay babe?" Brad asked, wrapping his left arm around my waist pulling me towards him and with his other handy wiping his eyes

"Yeah, are you?" I questioned also wiping my eyes looking up at Brad who nodded

"Oh my god, I think I'm dead" Tris said walking over to the two of us followed by the rest

"I'm still crying" Ruby sniffled as James wrapped his arm over her shoulder and she looked up at him smiling

Woahhhh, what's going on here?! I chose not to ask so I would interrupt their cute little bind together

"Haven't cried like that in years!" Connor said, a tear falling from his eye

"Who's up for a McDonalds to lighten the mood, aye?" Tristan asked grinning and we all agreed and walked over to McDonalds


I hope everyone's still enjoying my fanfic
Don't forget to comment and vote!

I got a few chapters planned out, it's getting exciting!!!

I've been watching clips of tfios because I didn't get the DVD today but omg I still cried!!

Lyd x

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