Chapter 48: Slowly

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The pain in my stomach kept coming and going within seconds. This is the most pain I've ever experienced in my whole life.

"Cheryl's on her way, Ann" Brad told me as he walked back into the semi-private room.

"Okay, thank god" I sighed, reaching my head back onto the pillow.

"Do you need anything?" He asked with a worried expression splattered across his face.

"I'm fine, thank you"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Bradley. Are you okay?" I laughed at him panicking a little.

"Me? Yes, I'm great" he smiled, his eyes lightening up as the smile grew into a grin.

"Just think, this time tomorrow, we'll finally have our little baby girl" I grinned, thinking of the moment.

"What shall we call her? Are we sill thinking about Ava and Ellie-Mae?"

"I think so, if that's okay with you"

"I've got another name I kind of like" Brad admitted.

"What is it?"


"Lauren? That's lovely. Where did that come from?" I asked smiling.

"I actually don't know" he giggled, brushing his curls off his face.

"It's really nice. Lauren Simpson"

"Lauren Simpson, I love it"

"I love you" I blurted out, looking back into his deep brown eyes.

"I love you too" Brad replied as he moulded our hands together and locked our lips into a soft, passionate kiss.

"Knock knock" I heard Cheryl's voice come from the doorway causing Brad and I to break away.

"Cheryl, thank god you're here!" I sighed.

To be honest, I'd rather Cheryl be here instead of my parents. Cheryl is one of those people you can't get embarrassed or ashamed in front of.

Every minute or so, a pain would ripple through my stomach, causing me to bend over, grabbing my stomach and groan with the pain until it went a couple of seconds later.

"How long have you been here for?" Cheryl asked.

"About half an hour" I answered as I rested my head back onto my pillows. "I'm nervous"

"It's your first baby, of course you're going to be nervous" Cheryl replied smiling. "Just calm down"


"How are you feeling?" Cheryl asked as she walked into the room.

I've now been in this stupid hospital for five hours, and if I'm honest, I'm staring to get a little impatient.

"Annoyed, hungry, tired"

"Okay, let's see how far you are then" Cheryl laughed at my response. She then measured how far along I was dilated.

"So?" I pushed her to answer after I seen her furrow her eyebrows.


"Five? Is that it?" I asked with my voice a little higher then before.

I've been here for five hours, been having contractions for five hours and I'm only dilated five?

"I'm sorry, you're moving along but just slowly"

I groaned and threw my head back onto my pillows. Looks like I'm going to be here for quite a while.

"I'll be back in a bit to see how long you are then" Cheryl smiled before leaving Brad and I alone.


Shitty chapter but oh well.

Sorry for not updating, I've been getting my mock results back, revising and been staying later at school so I'm really really sorry.

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