Chapter 30: what is it?

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We arrived at Brads just over a week ago now. His family are amazing. They took the news about us having a baby really well too.

Cheryl rang me yesterday and told me I could ether go in and see her today or tomorrow, she sounded really excited for some unknown reason. So Brad and I are going to go down to the hospital to see her in a bit.

"What time are we leaving?" A fully dressed Brad walked into him room where I was sat on his bed.

"Erm" I mumbled checking the time on my phone, 2:45. "in about fifteen minutes"

"Okay" he replied before walking into the bathroom, probably to fix his hair.

I decided to go onto twitter to check my notifications and my home page.

@TheVampsJames - @RubyMiller_ happy weekiversary ;)


@RubyMiller_ - @TheVampsJames I love you honey-boo<3


@TheVampsJames - @RubyMiller_ I love you too baby-boo<3


@AnnaSmithXx - @TheVampsJames @RubyMiller_ you two nock me sick, I love you guys!!

"Shall we go?" Brad asked as I looked up from my phone smiling meaning yes.

We both grabbed out coats, went down the stairs, said goodbye to Nat, Anne and Derek were in work, and made our way out of the door, nigh the car and to the hospital.

It took us about 40 minutes to get to Birmingham City Hospital, we had the Arctic Monkeys album on the whole way there, even though the radio was on loud, all I could hear was Brad singing.

We arrived at the hospital, walked in to see a woman with blonde/white curly hair behind the desk.

"Hello" she said politely with a smile on her face.

"Hi, we're here to see Dr Elliott" Brad said to her smiling. "My names Brad and this is Anna"

"Oh yes, she should be finishing her lunch anytime soon, just take a seat in the waiting area" the woman instructed.

We both done what she said and waiting in the waiting area for Cheryl to come and get us.

I wonder what she was so excited about. I wonder what she really wanted to tell us. She's probably excited to tell me that my baby's grew a mm... She's get hype of person that would do that.

"What did Cheryl say over the phone?" Brad asked turning to face me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"She just said she wanted to see us and she sounded dead excited" I replied.

About five minutes later, Cheryl, Dr Elliott, appeared out of a door and beckoned Brad and I to follow her.

We walked into the first room we went into, room 8. Cheryl sat on the chair in front on her computer whilst Brad and I sat on the two chairs facing her.

"So, there was a reason why I called you both in today" Cheryl pauses as she turned to her computer, typing in her password. "I have some very exciting news" she grinned.

"What is it?" Brad asked before he started to laugh at her ridiculously massive grin and I joined in.

"Right, you know when you had your scan a few weeks ago?" Cheryl asked turning to face me.

"Yes..." I replied dragging on the s.

"Well you know when you said you thought you were one month pregnant?"


I nodded so she would carry on.

"Well, it turns out you're actually three months pregnant" she paused. "I know it's only early, and if you both want me to, I can tell you right now the sex of your baby"

Oh my god, I can actually find out if I'm having a baby boy or baby girl. That's why she was so excited.

"I haven't looked at the paper work myself, I wanted you both to be here so we could all find out together" Cheryl grinned again, looking back and forth to Brad and I.

I turned my face to see a surprised and shocked expression splattered across Brads face. He turned to face me and a grin slowly appeared on his lips.

"What do you think?" I asked grinning back.

Brad nodded before saying "I think we should"

We both looked over to Cheryl who, once again, had this biggest grin I have ever seen on anyone's face. Literally ear to ear!!

Okay, I maybe over exaggerated then...

"Yes, thank god!" Cheryl signed "I was scared in case you both said you wanted it to be a surprise at birth and then I wouldn't get to know till birth too..."

"I think we're going to find out today" Brad smiled before kissing my temple.

"Are you ready?" She asked looking into my eyes then to Brads.

I could feel this excitement rising up in my back, to my heart making it feel like it was going 100x faster, then up to my lips making me bite onto my bottom lip so a stupid ugly grin wouldn't scare someone away.

Cheryl rolled her chair to the side of her computer to a draw where loads of brown files were kept. She pulled one out that had 'Simpson' written on the front, making me smile, then she opened it.

"Okay" Cheryl took a deep breath before looking down at the piece of paper as her eyes widened with happiness. "Your child's going to be a..."



you're going to have to wait for the next update to find out the sex of the baby.

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Lyd x

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