The Beginning

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(Hey, note here, I will not be doing any smut, this is going to just be a love story with drama and other parts! I hope you guys enjoy this, and i'd love to continue and make more, if you have any suggestions I would love to hear from you on who to write about next! ON TO THE STORY UWU)

~Your POV~

Finally! I got accepted! UA finally returned my letter, and they want me! I rush downstairs like a mad woman


I yelled, soon after I had yelled, I heard crashing.


she yelled back, covered in what seems to be flour, I slightly giggle at the sight, but she seemed peeved

"s-sorry about that...but I was just so excited!" I said, my body bouncing with excitment, she shook her head, going back to cooking.

"about what?" she questioned

"I got accepted into UA!" I exclaim, handing her the note.

Her eyes darted to mine, in utter shock but happiness none the less.

"That's great! I'm so proud of you!" she looked just about as excited as I did.

"I got into the hero course, class 1-A I think..." I say, not really sure if I was correct, all I really read while in a calm state of mind was "WELCOME TO UA" after that, I came bolting down the stairs.

"I cant believe my baby is going to become a hero!" she said, all giddy. My excitement knows no bounds right now, my eyes where a bright shade of blue. Part of my quirk was mood eyes, my eyes change color, matching to my mood. My mother giggled slightly while kneading her bread, my mom was an amazing home cook, made everything fresh

"so-" she started "when do you start?" she questioned.

I didnt exactly know the answer, so I scanned over the paper once more to see if i could find anything

"Its says may 12" I replied, she looked at me shocked

"its may 10!" she said seemingly concerned. I could feel my heart drop after she said that.

how can school start so soon?! I'm no where near ready yet! not to mention I have to mentally prepare myself to talk to new people! How am I going to do this...

"well you better get ready!" she said, slightly smirking.


"no buts!" she interrupted.

pointing upstairs, I knew what she wanted, I ran up there swiftly, trying my best not to fall. When I made it up there, I finally seen that they had also sent me a box, which held my new uniform! I quickly put it on, my excitement was almost to much for my little heart to handle! I looked in the mirror, I'm finally a UA student... this is amazing! I take a quick glance back in the box, there was a note? I opened the note, it read

"dear miss L/N, we are happy to say that you will be enrolled into UA, school for up-coming heros! your teacher is the pro hero EraserHead-"

there is where I stopped, feeling my heart drop.

"No way...No freakin' way!" I say to myself, looking around my room, at my posters of the man himself, EraserHead.

I always admired him, since his quirk was more-so mental he had to do hand-to-hand more often than not, just like I would have to, my quirk is infa-red vision. I see things in color, depending on if they are hot or cold. I can't exactly use this to fight, but I could find hiding villains if need be. I went back downstairs to talk to my mom about WHO my teacher is... I already knew she was going to tease me about this, becuase I had a slight crush on the man whom I admired.

~*Time Skip Brought To You By All Mights Muscles*~

~Your POV~

"Oh, you won't have any problem paying attention in class huh?" my mom teased, I felt my face get warmer

"it's nothing weird! i-it's just he's really cool... and we are kinda the same in some ways" I said stumbeling on my words

"yeah, you both are extreamly lazy" my mom said under her breath slightly.

"I heard that!" I say visibly frustrated and flustered, she laughed at my frustration, like she always would. I soon went back upstairs, it was late in the day, almost night, which was my favorite time anyway. The sky was mezmerizing when it turned night time, the stars shined as bright as my will to be a hero. I climbed out my window, making my way to the roof, looking up at the stars, the beauty of them made me feel safe. I look up imagining that my dad is looking down watching over me.

"hey dad, guess what." I say looking up to the sky

"I'm going to be a hero!" I smile, I wonder if he's proud of me... My dad died when I was younger, at that time, he was my hero. He died protecting me and my mom, from villains. It might be why I want to be a hero, to avenge my dad, and make him proud of me.

"Y/N?" I hear my name being called, I looked back at my window, seeing my mother standing there, visibly worried.

"Please be careful up there... I don't want you to fall and get hurt, alright?" she said in a concerned mother tone of voice, it brought a smile to my face as I nodded showing her I would be careful.

Im going to be the hero my dad wanted to be, the one to protect our family. The one to help others in bad times, the hero I need to be.... But before any of that could happen, I need to learn how to do that, And my Hero crush is my teacher

( I haven't wrote a story in a long time! sorry if it sucked, or if there where mistakes. thank you for reading the first part of this little story! See you guys in the next chapter <3 uwu)

{Blinded By Love} Shouta Aizawa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now