Revelatio: An Introduction

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Couples that seem

the most impossible,

end up making

the most sense.

- Anonymous


-'Revelatio' is an old Latin term for 'Revelation'.

-This is the story of two people who discover each other's hidden sides. (Author's note- I know this sounds clichéd)

-This is basically a Dramione fan fiction as you might have guessed from the cover. If you don't like it, then don't read it. No hate please.

-Of course I don't own Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling does. If I did own it, Dramione would have been real. This story has been written solely with the purpose of having fun. No copyright infringement is intended.

-All this being said, enjoy and drop in some comments and votes.

Yours sincerely

Norma I. Quartz

(the author)

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