As They Drown

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As they come by

As they slip away

As they sail by

Wanderers in the night

As they wonder

As they tease

As they surrender

Lost souls in flight

As they conceal

As they drown...



He was swimming

in a sea of other

people’s expectations.

Men had drowned in

seas like that.

Robert Jordan,
New Spring (Wheel of Time #0)


The Malfoy family stood apprehensively at the entrance of their dining hall. The mother was furiously gripping her son's shoulder while the father was merely standing there, cold and impassive.

"Go in. Don't disappoint me boy."

Have I ever?, he thought angrily. His lips twitched, ever so slightly. His toes curled into tight little balls of white skin, while his knuckles impossibly tightened even more.

He went in, his entire demeanour calm and composed but his eyes were screaming hate and anger. His mother reluctantly let go of his shoulder. He opened the door to the dining hall and stepped inside. The hall was dark and damp and the air felt sickening. It was terribly cold in there.

As he stepped inside, the door closed behind him on its own. He knew all too well. Trying to intimidate me with my own tricks?

He walked confidently, head held high, mind fearless. He was lunatic after all, nothing else, nothing else.

Voldemort was sitting in the far end of the hall in the head chair, in which he remembered his late grandfather used to sit long ago.

"Draco Malfoy."

"My lord." He cringed inwardly as he bowed a little for show. His hand was twitching furiously to draw out his wand and do the Cruciatus Curse right then and there.

"Are you afraid?"

"No, my lord.", he said smoothly. It was the blatant truth. He was feeling anything except fear at the moment. The thin, nose-less, bald man was not at all frightening.

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