As They Surrender

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A/N: Looks like the story just gained some momentum. And looks like that still haven't got over my Physics Exam. Whatever... Please continue reading (and voting and commenting) c:



Reason lost the battle,

and all could do

was surrender and accept

was in love.

- Paulo Coelho,
The Witch Of Portobello


As he walked back towards Hogwarts with her after spending a long, quiet but extremely eventful morning he came to realise that the girl walking beside him was much more than a mere infatuation. With others, he just craved the physical aspects of a relationship but with her? With her he wanted much more than that. He wanted to run his hands endlessly through her hair, he wanted to murmur sweet nothings in her ears, he wanted to hold hands with her, he wanted to love and be loved.

But the question was, did she?

He was very sure that she didn't want any of that gibberish. In fact he was sure that she didn't want anything but enmity between them. But he wanted to make sure before he left her forever. After all being from a family of loyal pureblood death eaters wasn't going to help them much. But he wanted to try anyway.

She was worth everything...

What mattered was what she wanted. He very well knew that she was very much infatuated with Weasley. But he also knew that he was nearly in love with her for so long now that it was a matter of time before he drowned in her unfathomable depths for forever. He had to save his heart from being shattered; not that it was already broken. Seeing her run after the carrot everyday did that to him. He couldn't afford to fall further. A choice had to be made. He had to know her feelings regarding him. Now.



"What... What do you think about me?", he finished off uncertainly.


"Go on, say something. Anything."

She awkwardly cleared her throat. "I don't know what to say Malfoy. For three years you tormented me and my friends and now you suddenly come in my life and say you like me and then kiss me and hug me. Then you show me your patronus, which oddly doesn't happen to be a ferret... or a snake." She stopped for a while but he didn't is say anything.

"What I mean to say is that I am confused. Highly. And the fact is that I still can't take my mind off what you did, I mean I can't even comprehend that. How did you even do that?"

She looked at him and found that he had an aura of his own but didn't they all have?

"I practised."

"No you're lying. Downright lying."

"Tell me, have you heard of naturae magicae?"

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