As They Tease

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Listen, you only tease

the ones you love.

John Boehner


She turned around nervously. Suddenly a pit had formed at the bottom of her stomach. That infamous drawl was doing things to her. "What do you want Malfoy?", she tried to sound brave but her voice came out low and weak. Where was that Gryffindor courage when you needed it?, she thought bitterly.

He watched her, smirking. She seemed so dainty, delicate and vulnerable, hiding half of her face like that with her scarf. " Granger, I just need you to follow me."

"And why shall I do that?— not after what you did, what— whatever trap you've laid for me, I am not bloody falling in it." Suddenly she was shivering and it was not happening because of the cold.

"Are you even okay? Because you don't seem to me. And what are you going on rambling about last night. I didn't hear quite correctly. Something concerning me I believe?", he finished off cheekily as he covered her with his own robe. She didn't protest but watched the snake crest with disgust.

Her brown eyes watched him warily as he sat down beside her, now that her shivering had lessened. "No, I am not okay Malfoy! And you must be wanting to  know why?", she rasped out.


The nerve of him. "Because of you, you git! You seriously are a foul, loathsome, evil, little coackroach—"

"Hey!", he said indignantly.

"Shut up! What right do you have to come blasting in my already perplexing life and make it even more complicated? Last night! Last night you came and wrecked havoc. What the hell do you think you were doing?"

"Oh my Granger! Let me see,... Umm, I think I was snogging the daylights out of you.", he said seriously and then flashed a charming grin at her.

She looked at him in disbelief, wide-eyed and then regained whatever composure she had that morning. "Exactly", she started decisively, "And I want to know why were you doing that. I was not fooled by all the nonsensical talk you were doing out there."

"Surely it didn't seem like that when you were clinging oh-so-needfully to me.", he smirked, yet again and his stormy eyes were flashing.

She blushed heavily. Thankfully it was hidden by her scarf. "Don't play games with me Malfoy or should I say Eltanin?"

"Actually Draco would be the most preferable."

"Shut up. Tell me why you did that and don't say you fancy me or anything like that because I am not going to believe that at all. You have two minutes to explain yourself, beginning now."

"No, you listen to me. Come with me and I will show you why."

"No, I completely, plainly refuse."

"As you wish."

He got up and started to walk away. She didn't say a word. He walked farther and farther away, his slender form seamlessly blending in with the thick fog. At last when his silhouette was barely visible, she realised she was still blanketed in his robe and so she broke into a sprint, with the robes whipping about her.

"Malfoy!" He didn't stop.

"You forgot your robe." He still didn't stop. didn't forget that only. forgot my heart too, he thought remorsefully.

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