Wanderers In The Night

626 33 14


The Wanderer

What is she like?

I was told-

she is a

melancholy soul.

She is like

the sun to the night;

a momentary gold.

A star when dimmed

by dawning light;

the flicker of

a candle blown.

A lonely kite

lost in flight-

someone once

had flown.

- Lang Leav,
Love and Misadventure


Sleep was refusing to come to her due to her recurring thoughts about her strange afternoon.

The walk to the hospital wing was supposed to be short but it felt like years had passed when they finally found themselves at Madame Pomfrey's door. This was because Malfoy was abnormally quiet.

Madame Pomfrey had fixed her in about an hour. She had even made her teeth smaller than they originally were and for that, she was utterly happy.

What she couldn't comprehend was the fact that Malfoy had waited for her the entire time.

"Why?", she had asked him tentatively, as he had walked her back to her common room. "I can be good when I want to", he had said with a mischievous twinkle inhis stormy eyes,"and we're partners too. So what's the point in going back alone again?"

She had remained silent. "You look even better now." he had said, shattering the pregnant silence. She had openly gaped at him as he had proceeded to wink at her, then smile and finally squeeze her hand gently as he walked away with a strange tune on his lips.

Her mouth remained ajar, even after a few minutes had passed by. She just couldn't digest the fact that Draco Malfoy, of all the people in the whole wide world had winked at her.

It was clear by now that sleep wouldn't come to her that night. Especially if his eyes and face kept popping in her face. And that smile. She just couldn't find a way through the many layers of Draco Malfoy.

I wonder what you are...

She desperately wanted to think about Ron, who she really liked. But his thoughts were just refusing to come to her comfort. Her grey matter was adamant on thinking about grey and not blue eyes. As a result she grew restless and tired. She immediately wanted to clear her head. The stuffiness of her dormitory must be playing with her head, she thought.

And so a risky decision was made. She would sneak out.

She let her hair free since it was a cold night, pulled over a jacket and stepped out in her muggle clothes- a shirt and jeans. Going out proved easy as no one was around. Not turning around, she began her midnight walk, the first of many that followed.

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