Chapter 13 - Moving In

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Levi POV

Today was the day me and Mom were moving into Leon's house.

Dad and my siblings each hugged me and said bye but I think that was due to the deadly glare Noah and my mom was giving them.

Leon on the other hand was so excited for us to move in. Probably more about Mom than me but it was nice to see Mom smiling as if she were walking on sunshine.

Because Leon and Mom couldn't wait any longer we decided to move in three days before the wedding which I thought was dumb cause now I hear an earful about the things my mom has to get done.

Apparently she has bridesmaids which I was surprised to hear considering I didn't know my mom had friends.

I met Leon's groomsmen and they seems pretty cool. His brother was one of them which I thought was weird. His brother was really tall but not as tall as Leon who I'm pretty sure is almost twice my height. Apparently I have a stunted growth according to the doctor due to me not eating right. And now mom is on my case about eating vegetables every single night.

Ugh stupid doctor why couldn't you just say I'm too thin and let her let me eat junk food all night. I mean he said that as well but then he gave me a healthy diet. I mean come on who gave this guy a degree everyone knows the fastest way to gain weight is by junk food.

Anyways we're loading up the moving van well they are. I'm just sitting here because I've felt lightheaded all day. I think it's due to nerves but it could also be the fact that I got no sleep last night because mom forced me to sleep in my room for one last night. Of course that didn't go well seeing as how Marcus locked me in the closet while he had a girl over. I don't know what they were doing but the moving floor and thumps that I felt through the floor told me that I didn't want to know what they were doing. All I know is that Ryan and Alex left the room.

When Mom informed me that I wouldn't be switching schools I honestly thought I would break down and cry but for some reason I sort of expected it seeing as how nothing goes my way no matter how much I want it to.

Which means that I would still have to see Lucas everyday and I'm supposed to tutor him which I never go the chance to do because I've been in and out of the hospital so often.

But on the bright side my friend Ramon is getting out of his crutches soon because he said the physical therapy has been working very well. Which is good cause I'm going to the park with him this Saturday along with my two stepbrothers.

Leon thought it would be a good idea that they come because he wants us to bond. Most bonding activities with me and my brothers have gone terribly I hope this one doesn't.

After we go to the park we're gonna get ice cream which I'm excited for. It's been a while since I went out for ice cream and I never eat it in the house because Marcus and Maya never let me.

Leon POV

As I was putting my fiance's stuff in the moving van I could feel the glares at the back of my head from her family, well except Levi. Levi is an angel he's just a little broken but a little time in my loving home and he'll be back to a normal hyper kid.

I glanced at where he was sitting on the steps. He wasn't exactly doing anything which worried me. When my boys were his age they would be up to all kinds of mischief. But Levi sat quietly, observing. His patience is extraordinary. We have to change that. I love that he's quiet but it's not normal for a kid to be quiet. They're supposed to be an annoying blessing that you can laugh about when they're older.

I can't wait until Levi opens up and I can finally see him laugh til tears come out of his eyes. The second I saw him I knew that would be my goal. I only hope I don't miss it.

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