2. phase two: planning

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Park Chanyeol was a really nice guy. Not that Baekhyun knew him all that well, but they had engaged in a few conversations about classes. Chanyeol was six feet and one inch of cheer and joy, always smiling and a little louder than one should be- not that Baekhyun could say anything. He himself had also been told he had a tendency to raise his voice. As Baekhyun sat at an empty table in the dining hall with his half eaten lunch in front of him and watched Chanyeol laugh among his group of his friends, he couldn't help but wonder why he and Kyungsoo liked each other.

Not that Kyungsoo wasn't a good person, he was Baekhyun's best friend after all and Baekhyun knew that Kyungsoo was the best person ever and that anyone would be lucky to have him. The thing was that they were both so different; Chanyeol was talkative and a social butterfly (from what Baekhyun could tell) and Kyungsoo kept to himself more. Baekhyun never would've thought that Kyungsoo would fall for someone like that.

Then again, he and Kyungsoo were pretty different but they still get along. Maybe opposites do attract, he thought. His eyes then landed on Sehun and his appetite suddenly vanished. Chanyeol was such a nice guy, why was he best friends with someone like that?

He wondered if Chanyeol and Kyungsoo did start dating, would he have to start hanging out with Sehun too? His body instinctively shuddered at the thought. The sudden presence of someone else sitting down next to him interrupted his train of thought.

"Day dreaming about me again?"

Baekhyun grimaced, popping a fry into his mouth as he looked away. "In your fucking dreams, Sehun. What do you want?"

The taller laughed as he scooted closer to Baekhyun, to which the latter discouraged by holding his fork up in defense.

"You haven't been answering my texts." He was a sporting a playful pout that Baekhyun wanted to slap off. Out of all the people that Sehun could bother why was it always him?

"Because they haven't been about the plan and if they're not about the plan then I don't want to read or hear it."

With a tilt of his head, he raised a brow and watched the shorter as he continued to eat his lunch. "How do you know they're not about the plan if you don't read them? Seems a little unfair to me."

"You asking me if I wanna come over Friday night because your roommate's out of town has nothing to do with the plan!" Baekhyun hissed as he stabbed the other in the arm with his fork.

The taller winced in pain, pouting once again. "So we can talk about the plan in person!"

"Oh really is that why you invited Yeri over after I didn't reply? Glad to see you're so dedicated to our mission that you're recruiting for help, Sehun," Baekhyun sneered with a fake smile as he picked up his tray and left the table.

Sehun chastely followed after him, easily keeping up as Baekhyun walked faster (curse the taller's long legs). "If you're jealous, you can just say so. You know I'd drop her for you anyday."

The shorter scoffed, trying to pick up the pace to get away from him. "There's literally nothing that's true in that sentence and you know it."

Laughing softly, Sehun grabbed onto Baekhyun's arm to stop him from running away. "Okay seriously are we gonna meet up to talk about the plan or what?"

Baekhyun sighed, somewhat regretting asking the other for help in the first place, but he made his bed and now he had to lie in it.

Sehun and Kyungsoo hadn't talked to each other since high school, and even then they weren't exactly the best of friends. So when Kyungsoo suddenly came speeding toward him with that signature glare of his Sehun knew that something was wrong.

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