8. i bloom just for you (M)

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a/n: this chapter contains smut, but does not affect the story in anyway. it's only a bonus chapter so if you don't like smut you don't have to read it ~

If being with Sehun had taught Baekhyun anything, it was not listen to rumors. It had only been about two months since they officially started dating and he had already lost count of things he's heard about his boyfriend around campus. More specifically, about his boyfriend's sex life. Baekhyun tried not to let them get to him, knowing very well that Sehun's jealous past partners were just trying to scare him off. But lately it's been getting him for more than he'd like to admit. Baekhyun knew Sehun was experienced in the sex department. Very experienced.

He himself was a little less experienced. Okay so he was a total virgin. The only action he's had was from his own hand. Not to sound completely lame or anything, but he had never even tried fingering himself before. How was he supposed to fit an entire dick up there? And from what he's seen when Sehun wears his favorite grey sweatpants, it wouldn't exactly be an easy fit. And if he already wasn't scared enough of that alone, now he had to worry about these damn rumors!

He had heard from people, mostly girls, that Sehun was "super into BDSM" and that he should probably just break up him now because he probably wouldn't be able to handle it. He ignored them at first, but then enough people started telling him the same thing over and over again it now had him convinced at least some of it was somewhat true. Was he ready for a dominate Sehun? Was he ready to get tied up, gagged, and spanked or whatever his boyfriend enjoyed doing? Baekhyun flushed at the thought, wondered what kind of person he was dating in the first place.

Sehun had been taking things slow for Baekhyun's sake, for which he was thankful. The closest they ever got to having sex was a couple weeks ago when they were making out on Sehun's bed. The taller was quite close to stripping Baekhyun of his pants if it weren't for Chanyeol and Kyungsoo coming back from their dinner date. Baekhyun was dying to talk about it with someone and as much as he loved Kyungsoo, he knew his best friend probably wouldn't want to hear about their sex life. So that's why he was he sitting in front of Chanyeol, watching him as he inhaled his lunch.

"Look Chanyeol, I'm gonna ask you something and you have to promise not to tell Sehun, okay?"

The taller looked at him with furrowed brows. "Uhm, okay?"

"So, you guys tell each other like, everything, right?" Chanyeol looked somewhat hesitant, but nodded nonetheless.

"Okay so I'm just gonna come out and say it," Baekhyun took a deep breath before continuing. "Is Sehun super kinky? Like is he into BDSM and all that stuff?"

Chanyeol nearly choked on his chicken, spitting everything he had in his mouth onto the table. The shorter grimaced in disgust and backed away as he continued to cough. "W-What?"

"You heard me! Does he actually like to tie people up and uh- spank them or something?"

"Uhm, I don't really know to be completely honest with you."

The shorter sighed, "I thought you guys told each other everything!"

"We do! But it's not like we spill intimate details about our sex life before bed!" Chanyeol retorted "Why are you even asking? Where is this coming from?"

Baekhyun timidly scratched the back of his head, feeling somewhat embarrassed he was talking to someone he wasn't even that close with about something so personal. "I dunno...I guess I've been...hearing things around school."

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