3. phase three: execution

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Chanyeol had a habit of falling too hard, too fast. With Kyungsoo, however, he had broken a record. It had taken him less than a day to admit he had utterly and completely fallen for the other. Chanyeol first laid eyes on Kyungsoo their freshman year of college.

He and Sehun were suppose to meet up to walk to their dorm together, but Sehun was nowhere to be found. It was when he was searching through the crowd when his eyes landed on a rather intimidating looking young man, despite his shorter stature. The other looked in need of a hug and something inside Chanyeol made him want to run up to him and give it to him, even if he was complete stranger. Sehun and Yixing had always told him he was too friendly for his own good.

They officially met later that afternoon when he was walking to his dorm and saw a familiar boy walking in front of him. Chanyeol was about to call out to him, to say hi and perhaps make a new friend, but before he knew it he was falling face first into the sidewalk. A rather unmanly yelp escaped his lips as he descended.

"Are you okay?"

He looked up to see wide eyes and full lips a mere foot away from his face. Woah. He opened his mouth to speak, but it was as if the words were caught in his throat as he stared up at the other.

"Uhm- Are you okay?" the young man repeated, offering his hand to Chanyeol.

He quickly composed himself, taking the hand and pulled himself up as he stuttered out a "yes." The other was few inches shorter than him, the perfect height to complement his, he thought as he tried to calm down the thumping of his heart in his chest. "You should probably be more careful of the steps next time." His voice was low, quite quiet and Chanyeol decided right then he liked it a lot.

"Yeah, I've been told I'm pretty clumsy," Chanyeol chuckled, "I'm Park Chanyeol by the way."

"Do Kyungsoo," the shorter said as he shook the taller's hand. Chanyeol found Kyungsoo's smaller hands rather cute.

"I uhm- have to go now, my friend's waiting for me."

Chanyeol nodded, watched as Kyungsoo walk away with a small wave and awkward smile. He knew from then on that he was completely head over heels for Do Kyungsoo.

"Dude since when were you gonna tell that you're dating Byun Baekhyun?" His roommate's sudden outburst had Sehun almost dropping his sandwich.

Crap, forgot to tell him. Sehun wracked his brain for the story Baekhyun had told him to tell everyone. "Oh uh yeah we've been dating for a couple weeks."

"Why didn't tell you tell me?" Chanyeol whined, "We're suppose to tell each other everything remember? It's the rule."

Sehun scoffed, "What rule." The other looked at him as if he had personally offended him somehow. "The best friend rule? We can't keep anything from each other! I had to find out from Junmyeon who found out from Kris!"

Sehun sighed and put his sandwich down; Chanyeol obviously wasn't going to let him have a peaceful lunch today. "Uh we didn't wanna tell anyone cause Baekhyun wanted to hide it from Kyungsoo, but Kyungsoo found out so I guess word's going around now."

The other looked confused. "Why was he trying to hide it from Kyungsoo? Aren't they super close?"

"Because Kyungsoo doesn't like me."

Chanyeol nodded, "Oh right, well has Baekhyun said anything about Kyungsoo?" Sehun raised his brows at the other.

"You know what I mean, like has he asked about me or anything?" he asked eagerly.

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