7. baby, i've been saving this for you

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"Uhm-" Baekhyun cleared his throat, "You guys are kind of hurting me."

A fake smile formed on Jongin's face and he let go of the shorter's arm. "Sehun, can I talk to you for a sec?" Baekhyun looked at the two of them in confusion as they walked out into the backyard. As soon they were out of Baekhyun's sight, Jongin lightly shoved Sehun with a frown. "Dude, what are you doing?"

What was he doing? Sehun had no intentions of starting trouble when he arrived at Jongin's house tonight, yet here he was. "What do you mean?" he feigned innocence.

"Oh god, don't play dumb. You know what I mean!" the other hissed. "I thought you said you didn't have a problem with me going out with him?"

Sehun crossed his arms against his chest. He was not going to back down this time. "Well I changed my mind."

Jongin scoffed, "What do you mean you changed your mind? You guys were never even dating. He doesn't like you."

Rage quickly rose up in Sehun's chest as his hands balled up into tight fists. He had known Baekhyun since high school, Jongin's only known him for what, a month? It was unbelievable that Jongin was acting like he knew Baekhyun better than him. "This is like the second time you've guys met up, you barely know him. Do you even really like him?"

Jongin scoffed, "Of course I do, he's cute."

The other rolled his eyes. "Cut the bullshit, Jongin. I mean actually like him. I saw the texts from Soojung the other week, I know you guys are hooking up. What do you want with Baekhyun?"

"Don't you think you're a hypocrite asking me that? Come on, Sehun. We both know you don't exactly believe in monogamy."

How dare Jongin act like he knew everything about Sehun. "Things are different now. Baekhyun's different, so stay away from him."

"You don't own him, Sehun. He can make his own choices and he obviously didn't fucking want you."

Sehun was fuming, to say the least. His eyes quickly filled with resentment as he rolled up his sleeves before impulsively lunging at the other, ready to throw a punch to his smug face. He quickly was stopped when his best friend intercepted and forcibly dragged him away. "Dude, don't do this. It isn't worth it, Baek's gonna be pissed if he finds you started a fight with him," Chanyeol urged. Sehun took a deep breath and reluctantly turned away, trying to calm his temper. He seriously couldn't believe Jongin. He was suppose to be his friend, how could he do this to him?

Dragging him away, Chanyeol tried his best to unwind his friend, though Sehun wasn't the easiest to talk to when he was angry. "Kyungsoo told me everything, are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" Sehun scoffed, feeling a bit guilty at his harsh tone. He knew Chanyeol was just trying to make him feel better. Just what had his life come to. It was New Year's Eve, he was in a house full of people he barely knew, forced to watch the guy he likes and his "friend" flirt. This wasn't how things were supposed to be. Chanyeol had never seen the other caught up on someone like this before. Sehun rarely ever had deep feelings for anyone, really.

"You...really like Baekhyun huh?" Chanyeol timidly asked.

The other male sighed, buried his face in hands before looking up at his best friend and nodding.

"You should tell him then."

Baekhyun had no idea what had happened between the two after they stormed off together. Jongin refused to tell him, only brushing him off with a forced smile when he asked if everything was okay. He could tell things were definitely not okay , but he promised himself he would try to keep Sehun out of his mind tonight.

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