5. phase five: project close

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Neither of them spoke about the kiss after that day.

Kyungsoo, thankfully, never brought anything up. Baekhyun never questioned his "boyfriend" about it. In fact, he didn't even want to admit that it actually happened.

As the days passed Baekhyun felt more and more confused. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get his mind off Sehun. To be more specific, Sehun's lips and how he felt with them pressed against his.

What was happening to him? Why was it happening to him? He just wanted all the thoughts to end and go back to living in peace.

Sehun hated himself.

Okay not really, but he hated the fact that he kissed Baekhyun. Not that he didn't the enjoy it. He enjoyed it very much, a little too much he might add. And that was exactly the problem.He had been fine trying to deny his feelings before, he knew that Baekhyun probably would never like him back anyway. But ever since the kiss, Baekhyun was all he could think about. It was so much easier to deny his feelings when he didn't know how soft the other's lips were.

Now he was fucked. Great, he thought, just fucking great. He stopped his internally monologue when he spotted Baekhyun talking to someone familiar by the library entrance.

Jung Wooseok.

Wooseok was a senior, had a reputation of sleeping with anyone he could get his hands on. Sehun hated him. He was always so full of himself, always thinking he was better than everyone else and that everyone wanted him. Granted, most girls and quite a few guys did want him, despite him being a complete dick. Sehun watched as the two chatted and felt the ugly green monster rearing its ugly face when Wooseok patted Baekhyun on the head with a grin. Since when were they so close?

He waited until the other male walked away before going up to him. "Hey, what did Wooseok want?"

"Oh uhm- he was just inviting me to his party tonight." He felt uneasy telling Sehun about it for some odd reason. The slight feeling of guilt was stirring in the pit of his stomach, which alarmed him. He had no reason to feel guilty, Sehun wasn't actually his boyfriend.

"You're not gonna go right?"

"I don't know yet, I might?" Baekhyun said as he started to walk away. He really didn't want to deal with this right now.

Sehun scoffed, rolling his eyes as he followed after him. "What do you mean you don't know yet? You know him and the rest of his friends have a rep for being creeps. You know he's just trying to get into your pants right?"

"Oh you mean like you? Look we've been talking in class a lot and he's really nice. We're just friends! And it's none of your business anyway so just leave me alone okay?" He tried to walk away once again when he was pulled back by a sudden hand clamped down on his arm.

Sehun roughly spun him around, eyes filled with rage and brows knitted together. "I forbid you to go." Anger bubbled up in Baekhyun's chest as he listened to the words come from the other's mouth. Forbid him? He didn't know why Sehun was being so possessive over him. Wooseok was a good friend and that was it. And besides, it wasn't like he owed Sehun an explanation anyway. "I'm sorry what?," Baekhyun scoffed, "You forbird me?"

The taller stood his ground, crossing his arms as he looked at the other male in the eyes. "Yeah, I'm not letting you go."

"You don't own me Sehun. You're not really my boyfriend! You don't have a say in what I do." The shorter ran off in anger before Sehun could even squeeze in another word.

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