6. as the pressure builds, so does the tension

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Sehun paled at the other's words, felt his mouth go dry as Baekhyun struggled to maintain eye contact. "W-What do you mean you wanna end this? End what?"

The shorter swallowed hard before explaining further. "End our fake relationship, you know like officially 'break up.' There's no need to keep it going since Kyungsoo and Chanyeol are already dating..." The look of sadness on the other's face made Baekhyun's chest tighten in a way he didn't want to admit. He really didn't mean to hurt him like this. He didn't think this would hurt himself so much either.

"Oh, right," Sehun said softly as he nodded. Neither of them looked at each other as they kept their gazes on the table. Silence greeted them soon after. Baekhyun felt like crying again. And why was that? There was never anything going on between them in the first place. They barely spoke to each other before the whole ordeal. It should've been easy for Baekhyun to end this. Whatever this was. It should've been been easy for Sehun, who never even wanted to do this in the first place. Why was Sehun making this harder for him? This shouldn't be difficult for either of them. Yet here Sehun was, quieter than ever with a look of disappointment that made Baekhyun want to take back everything he said. But he knew he couldn't do that.

"I-I guess I should go now. Thanks for agreeing to the plan and helping me. I-I'm glad we got our friends together, they would've been too dumb to do anything about it other wise," he awkwardly laughed.

Sehun quickly reached out to held onto the other's hand, stopping him before he could walk away. "We can still hang out right? Like as friends?"

Baekhyun swallowed hard. He wanted to say yes. As he looked into the taller's hopeful eyes, he wanted to open his mouth to say yes, but something inside him stopped him from doing so. "We were never friends, Sehun. Just admit it. We were never friends before this. You only saw me as one of your potential hookups."

"Wait Baek-" Sehun swore he felt his heart break as he watched the other pull out of his grip and walked away.

What he was expecting to come out of this whole situation, Sehun didn't know. He did not expect, however, for this to happen. Baekhyun sure had come out of nowhere and knocked down on his ass without even realizing it. He had to admit, he had only seen the other as a potential hook-up at first. Even though it was true, it stung to hear the words come from the other's mouth.

Things were different now. He was different now. Sehun completely whipped by Byun Baekhyun and the other didn't even know. Sehun groaned, letting his head fall from his hands and onto the wooden table. He should've stopped Baekhyun from leaving; he should've said the truth about how he felt. Now he just felt like a pathetic, lovesick puppy that just got abandoned by its owner.

"Hey Sehun." His eyes perked up at the voice, disappointment immediately washed over him when he realized it wasn't who he wanted it to be even though he knew that wasn't Baekhyun's.

"Oh, hey Kyungsoo."

"Thanks again for getting Baek last night, he's such a fucking idiot I can't believe he went to a party and got drunk like that even though he was alone," the shorter male sighed, "Speaking of him, do you know what you're getting him for Christmas yet? I thought you might need help on what to get him so I came up with a list of things he's been wanting if you needed ideas?"

Sehun's chest tightened, feeling even more heartbroken if that was even possible. "Oh uh, I probably won't need it- you know considering we just broke up. Or I guess it'd be better to say I got dumped," he chuckled tiredly.

Kyungsoo slowly relaxed his shoulders, giving the other boy a sympathetic look as he thought of what to say. As much as he hated to admit it, he was starting to warm up to Sehun. He thought he and Baekhyun made a rather cute couple. Sure they weren't the most perfect pair; he often caught them bickering over dumb things, but Sehun seemed to really care about Baekhyun. And that was exactly what his best friend needed.

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