Should I Go?

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"I'm not going!"

"But you never go anywhere! Please just this once!"

"You know as well as I do that nobody likes me."

"Because you never show your good side, that's why you have to come!"

Me and my brother South Korea have been fighting for over half an hour, about me going to a dumb little sleepover...

"Come on North, I promised it will be fun! Japan always knows how to make parties fun!" South Korea said in hopes he can convince me, his brother North Korea, to come.

"Fine! I'll go to your little slumber party," I mumbled.

"YAY!!" yelled South Korea in victory.

"But don't you think Japan will mind me going over there?" I asked in hopes I can ditch this sleepover.

South Korea responded, "she says we can invite one person and it can be anyone we want and I wanted you to come."

I sighed in defeat. Though I do feel a little happiness that out of all his friends he chose me, but I feel mostly annoyed that I have to go.

We packed our stuff, extra clothes, night clothes or PJs, and other stuff we might need. To be honest I feel that I'll be kicked out when we go there. Welp at least I would have an excuse to leave. After packing our stuff we started heading towards the door. My brother stopped me and said, "You could have use more casual clothes." True I was in a tight dark blue uniform with black pants. My brother on the other hand was wearing a light red and white sweater and some blue ripped jeans. I just shrug and walk out.

I drove us to Japan's house which was just a ten minute drive. When we arrived I had my tall straight poster with a serious face. My brother nudged me and whispered, "don't be so serious. It's just a party try to have fun, ok?" I only walked towards the door and knocked. Soon the neko opened the door.

"Hello North and South Korea," Japan said in a cheery voice though I can see her nervousness with me being around.

"Hi Japan," my brother cheerfully says back, "I invited my brother to come over hope that you don't mind."

"Not at all!" Japan responded and let us in.

Inside there was a big living room with other countries. There was Canada, Russia, China, Germany, Poland, and of course the annoying America. Everyone went quite when they saw me come in. The conversation they had all the died instantly when I stepped in. It's always the same they all fear me or hate me.

The American, as always can't keep his mouth shut, stood up, and said, "What is he doing here! Last I heard he wasn't invited."

I just gave him a cold glance. God I hate him so much. My brother defended me, "America please calm down. You know Japan told us we can invite anyone and I invited him."

"It's Japan's choice if she wants to kick me out not you. So if you have a problem go tell Japan," I told America with a cold gaze.

America just looked at me angry then at Japan before sitting back down with angry mumbles. The countries in the room sat uneasy and gave my brother 'this was a bad idea' face. South Korea and Japan sat down on the sofa with the rest of the countries and I just stood there with my straight posture.

"Take a seat North Korea," Japan asked hesitantly.

I took a seat next to South Korea which was luckily away from the other countries. Canada waved a little to me and America just gave him an angry glare. Soon they started talking but there were still a little uneasy with me there. Now I'm wondering if coming here was a good idea. I should have stayed home so I wouldn't bother anyone. South Korea why do you make me suffer?

Well seems like you didn't listen when I clearly said to not read this. The reason, it's bad QwQ

Word count: 687

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