traitor part 1

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Germany's POV:

I was hugging Poland as he cried. He told me what happened and what he did. It hurts me seeing him again after but it hurted more seeing him soo vulnerable and sad. His wings were all messy and dirty. He looked so guilty and sad.

What he did was bad but he looked so sad and he seemed so sorry about everything. What surprised me was the fact that he didn't told me to protect me. He was very sorry for what he did. I couldn't help but forgive him. I still love him even if he did broke my heart.

His crying quieted down and I soon realize that Polen fell fast asleep. He must've been drained from the events that he went through. I carried him bridal style. He was lighter than usual. Did he not eat?!? I'm worried about his health now. I had Schatzie's leash on my hand. I started walking with Schatzie following close behind me.

I took Polen to my house so I can keep a better watch at him. When we arrive I let go of Schatzie and took Polen to one of the guest rooms. I carefully set him down on the bed and put a blanket over him. I left the room quietly so Polen could rest.

Schatzie whined sadly. She probably knows that Polen isn't well and that I'm sad. I took out my phone and dialed Martial Law's phone number. It ranged a few times before he finally picked up.

(Phone call)


"Martial, I have something important to tell you..."

"Well tell me I got to go somewhere right now"

"That's why I'm calling you. I know that North Korea was last seen in (insert a location)"

"That's where I'm going? When did you got the address?"

"Not long ago... You should hurry up he said they were leaving as soon as they can"

"Ok then bye"


After that phone call I feel relief that someone is going to go rescue North right now. I just hope Martial makes it on time. I sighed sadly. Schatzie nuzzles her head on my hands. I smile a little. She always knows what to do when I'm sad. I sat down on the floor with her and she laid her head on my lap. I gently petted her beautiful black fur.

She was shy like me but then we both grew to be more open. I wouldn't have lasted long if I didn't have company. Especially after Polen broke up with me. I was alone. My dad is dead and was bad which causes for some people to hate or fear me. I never liked what my dad did but he was never an abusive father. He always made sure I was ok and let me sleep with him when I'm scared. He might've been bad but I loved my father. I just wished he would've shared this side of him to the world than the side he chose.

Schatzie wags her tail slowly as I kept petting her fur. I soon fell asleep.

(Time skip)

I woke up with a blanket? I saw Schatzie under the blanket. Oh yeah she brings blankets to me whenever I fell asleep in my desk while doing homework and extra credit in the middle of the night. I then heard "no no no no... I didn't mean to..... Please stay away.... No.... Please no..... I'm sorry....."

It was Polen! I heard his sobs through the hallway. I walked into the guest room. He was under the covers of the blankets. He was curled into a little ball under the blankets. Schatzie and I walked to him. I lifted the covers and saw he was sleep talking. His wings were surrounding his shaking body.

Schatzie saw this and she quickly went on the bed without hurting Polen and gently licked his tears away. Polen woke up and looked around frantically. I just hugged him. He was freaking out and this the only way I know how to calm him down. He hugged me said a bunch of sorry. He was shaking and his wings were tightly pressed against his body. That's something he only does when he's upset.

"Polen calm down... No need to say sorry, I forgive you," I said in an attempted to calm the shaking country. Polen stopped talking and just hold on me tightly. "Why?" Polen asked. "What do you me-" I was cut off by Polen pushing away from me and facing me with tears staining his sweet and sad face. "Why do you forgive me after all I did.... You have every right to just left me there in the alleyway. So why are you helping me?" Polen said before looking away sadly.

"It's because I know you. You didn't want to be hurt again. It's scary but your hurting yourself right now and I want to help you. Because I still love you," I said in a caring voice. Polen looked at me with relief and tears in his eyes. He said, "Niemcy!" Before launching himself on my with a hug. He cried more.

After Polen calmed down. I took him to the bathroom to get the first aid kit. Polen had some bruises and he needed those to be checked out. "Ok, Polen can you take off your shirt to see if you have any bruises on your back," I asked. Polen shyly took off his shirt. When I got the first aid kit Polen had his wings covering him. "Polen I need to see if you have bruises in need of healing. Can you move your wings out of the way please," I asked nicely.

Polen slowly let his wings fold behind him. I came over to check on him. He had a bad bruise on his shoulder and some on his chests. It looks like they hit him!! How dare they!! I need to calm down an treat the wounds. I put some rubbing alcohol on Polen's wounds. He winced in pain. I felt bad, but it had to be done.

I put bandages on his arms and neck since they've been bruised. Polen said they chained him and that thought made me worry about Polen. He hates being chained especially after what my father did.... He still had the scar in his chest of when USSR and my dad cut him with a knife.

When I checked his back my heart sank. He was had marks that indicate he was whipped. They weren't the ones he had, no these are new ones. Luckily there wasn't a lot of it but they hurtted my Polen!!! I will make sure they get punished for hurting and threatening my Polen. I cleaned those wounds. While cleaning them I asked, "Why did they do this?"

Polen answered after being quiet the whole time I was treating his wounds, "they'll hit me whenever I didn't get the sufficient amount of details they wanted. They whipped me whenever they found out I lied." Polen hung his head lower. I felt bad for everything Polen had to endure. After I cleaned those wounds up, I helped Polen Clean his wings.

(Time skip)

We made Polen's wings as white and soft as they use to be. Polen also ate some breakfast but he was still sad. Schatzie tried to cheer him up by licking him or doing goffy stuff. It worked it made Polen smile a little. I was always by his side so whenever he needed a hug I would be there to give it to him.

We decided that we needed to go see the others since Martial had texted me earlier that there was no one in the abandoned building. The tacks he found only led him so far.

We decided to go to South Korea's house to discuss what to do.

(Time skip to when everyone is at South's)

I was in front of the door of South Korea's house. I would have come earlier but Polen was indecisive whether to go or not. At the end he went with me. He was behind me and his wings were pressed close against his small body. He was holding my hand and was very nervous. I don't blame him. He has a good reason to be afraid.

I rung the door bell. South opened the door. "Germany your finally here," South said in a tired voice. He looked like he didn't sleep well and had small red puffy eyes. He then saw Polen. "YOU!!" South said in a threatening voice. Polen shrunk behind me.

I stood protectively in front of him. "South calm down, we need him if we want to find your brother," I said as calmly as I could. South glared at Polen and then looked at me. He finally mumbled, "fine, but if he does anything wrong then I'll make sure he'll feel sorry for it," South threaten Polen. Polen gulped in response.

South let us go in. South glared at Polen. If his looks could kill then Polen would've been more than just dead. Polen squeeze my hand tightly. I gently squeeze back.

We went to the living room. There were already countries here. They all looked at Polen. Some confused others angry. We just walked to the edge of the couch away from the rest of the countries. Polen was trying to hide behind me. He was shaking a little due to nervousness.

My inspiration has died now....

Word count: 1591

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