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North Korea's POV:

I woke up with pain going through my whole body. My whole upper body hurts. My muscles are stiff and I had some dried blood on some of my bruises. The bed isn't comfortable but I slept better here than hanging upside-down. The pain I had in my head was gone. I guess it hurt because of the blood flowing down when I was upside-down. I also feel lots of pain in my stomach. It was not only because Jamaica hit me there, it was also because I haven't eaten anything.

My stomach growled a little showing that I needed some food. I sighed sadly. No one was here yet. I just stayed in the bed thinking about South. I missed him. I want to see him again and get out of this place. I know this is impossible now. At least my brother is safe, which is all that matters. I'll do anything to help South be safe.

I stayed there doing nothing but thinking of all the good things that has happened to me. I was remembering that I was happy before this, even if I didn't showed it. I have fallen asleep a couple of times. I don't know how long I've been here since there's nothing to indicate the time or if it's day or night. But the longer I was here the more my stomach growled. I felt my stomach trying to eat itself. At least they haven't come down yet. Speaking of them.....

I heard the door open. I glanced slowly to see who was coming. It was Bolivia. He looked at me. He walked towards my cell. He opened it and went to me. I growled at him. He grabbed the back of my shirt and threw me at the floor. "Get up!" He commanded aggressively.

I slowly got up with pain. I didn't show any signs of pain though. I just glared at him once I was up with some support from the bed. Bolivia then said, "take this." He shoved me a plate with food. He kinda hurtted my chest but I grabbed the food nonetheless.

He spat before closing the cell and leaving. I looked at the food in the plate. My mouth watered at the sight of the food. But.... What if it was poisoned? What if it had some sort of drug? Well if it had poison I would at least die and not suffer for too long. I feel utterly hopeless. Death seemed to be a good idea. I mean there just going to torture me. South is safe. I'm going to be here till I die so why not die sooner?

Then if it has nothing in it I'll have more energy for them to torture me longer. I just decided not to eat. I'll just die of hunger. I just hope I die soon so I can get out of this misery. I left the plate on the floor and I went back to the uncomfortable bed.

My stomach growled and I was feeling horrible. I just curled into a ball the more my stomach growled. I don't know when but I fell asleep.

I was facing the wall when I heard the door open. I heard footsteps but I didn't try to see who it was. They came up to my cell. I heard, "he didn't eat a thing..." I heard them walk away. I didn't want to move. I just stayed in that same spot slowly suffering and hopefully dying.

I heard more countries coming over. They were all talking. I heard Jamaica's voice. They were talking about me. I wasn't really putting attention, but I did hear them saying stuff about me not eating, and what to do... I don't care anymore.

They left. I think they said something about I'll eat eventually. I never did. They come check on me once in a while. They'll growled at me or said insults. I didn't respond to any of it. What's the point anyway, I'm going to do die soon anyways. Plus they'll beat me again....

Then one day..... I heard a couple of countries behind me. I haven't moved from where I was since they brought the plate. They opened the door. "Hey are you even alive?" Jamaica said in a unamused voice. Hey grabbed my arm and pulled me off the bed. I landed on the floor with a thud. That hurt a lot. I winced in pain since my chest still hurts which is one of the reasons I didn't move. "Get up," Jamaica flatly ordered me. I tried but not eating anything has made me weak. I couldn't lift myself much till I fell down again which causes pain in my chest.

"You were strong now your a weak and pathetic country," Jamaica spat at me. I growled at him weakly. I may not feel well but I don't stand people calling me weak. Vietnam and Cuba each grabbed one of my arms. I didn't do anything about it. I didn't have the energy to do anything. My body feels weak and light.

They dragged me to a chair. They made me sit in there and tied my arms and legs. What's the point if I couldn't fight back in this state. They are probably just going to kill me now that I'm not "fun" to torture. They talked a bit more. My head was leaning down because I don't have the energy to lift it up. Jamaica came in front of me. "Ok, do it guys" Jamaica said.

Vietnam came and forcefully opened my mouth while Cuba used this metal scissors like thing to keep my mouth open. I started struggling. It was a weak attempt but that didn't made me stop. Jamaica left us as soon as they put that scissors thing on me. Vietnam went to the table to get something.

He walked back with a syringe but without the needle. It had something inside that I couldn't tell what it was from where I stand or sit. Vietnam forcefully puts the syringe into my throat before he put whatever was inside down my throat. I gaged as I swallow it. I couldn't just spit it out since it was literally in my throat.

They are force feeding me. I didn't like this but there's nothing I could do, but that didn't stop me from moving my head away. Cuba had to grab my head to keep me in place while Vietnam gave me some more of that stuff. It's probably smashed up food.

Once they were satisfied with the amount I forcefully ate, they took those scissors thing off my mouth. They untied my legs and arms. They grabbed me from the arms and took me to my cell. They shoved me in there before closing the cell's door. Once they left I slowly crawled to my bed. I had more energy now that they did that to me. Guess they want me to keep living so they can have "fun" with me with their torture.

Inspiration has stroke me again now that I feel sad. ಥ‿ಥ

(You guys can skip this part of the author's note unless you want to read my rant which is very long...)

I feel sad because of what my friend and her friend did to me. They don't mean any harm but they hurtted me while texting in a group chat. They like to bully each other playfully in the chat. I'm a very sensitive person so I don't like these kinds of stuff. I also didn't knew anyone but one person in the chat. I decided to join on the chat, not bullying anyone but trying to get to know my friend's friends. One of the friends started to say some stuff to me. It was wasn't too bad I just played along. My friend joined us and she teamed up with her friend to be against me. The friend said something to me that made me upset. I just asked why he/she said that to me. His/her response was that he/she is the bully and that was what bullies do, but they said it like I was dumb and didn't know the obvious. That made me more upset and I made sure they knew that. I told them that I know exactly what bullying is especially since I have been bullied for six years and had to go to therapy for two years. They felt bad and tried to say sorry to me but the damage was already done and I feel sad right now. I don't want to go to school to see my friend after that happened....

Sorry for this long rant....

Word count: 1287 +author's note

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