{21}Broken Pearls Au (2/?)

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Still in English, but it's the only series that will be in English (till now), so, the normal ones are all in german.

And now, back to the boys™

-in the other Dimension-

Akai sighed, pinshing the bridge of his nose. He knew that Tenki wasn't the smartest, but this time he went to far. The Chaosdemon had the nerv-wrecking energy source of chaos, like his name said. The only thing keeping him from sucker punching him out of the Stratosphere was Kura, who secretly liked the company of the demon. Akai knew where he was coming from, they had an immortal life, forever captured at their best form, the 20 year old mark. In this endless life they should have some fun and entertainment, and Akai knew that they needed it to not loose the will to live. BUT now they were standing in the Laboratory, the poorly outlighted room was one of the most important Rooms in their residence. Shards from the pearls that once were in one piece were laying on the ground, their magic soaking in the wooden like material. With every Pearl that shattered, a part of their own world leaked in the others, changed little to big things, names, moments and Places. They would stay like that until the group of creatures straight outta books put each and everyone of them together again.

His normal self would fall in a ranging rampage, abusing the others ears, letting loose of the control that held back all the feelings and desires the Devil had. But now, instead of the burning hell fire in his chest was a cold, fresh breeze, calming him down and giving him more control than ever. His mind was clear for once, the repressed darkness was gone, a cold light took his place. The whispering voices wanting him to forcefully letting them take control of him disappeared. He felt free, after a long time. This was the price for a Devil who decided to use his powers not for all the things he should, leaving his inner dark hole leaking in need of it, making it harder to control his body. If his soul needed this, the infinite amount of blood and fear, the want to rip of people's skull after they did a little mistake, the dreams of the red blood dropping of his fingers as he smiled, red eyes awakening a hell fire to destroy everything in its way, if his soul really needed it, it would get it. But not soon.
Not, when Akai had the strength to fight the urges, not if he had something he wanted to hold close, someone who should never fear him.
Kura was this person.
And Akai would fight to death, even against himself, to make sure he wouldn't get seriously hurt.

Said Kura was pretty surprised at Akais normal voice, he wasn't even screaming, just calm. Maybe the calm before the storm? Nah, he had then his teeth clenched, trying to control the amount of power he would use. Kura wasn't really afraid of his Mate, sometimes he would imagine Szenarios where he was, or the moments when he was nearly losing complete control over himself, only seeing red, the voices screaming and driving him crazy as he tried not to hurt anyone. Even if Akai seemed to be so responsible, he often talked about the Darkness in his body with Kura, showing the he wasn't the perfect Leader he seemed on the outside.

Rovu was the most compatible one with the task, so the ghost boy picked up the shatters from the ground, the there and not really there body not being affected by the force of the magic. Rei sorted them out, his unconcerned gaze resting in the splitters in his hand, sorting the different colors into the different bowls, every pearl stood for a dimension. Sanjay and Kai were outside, searching through the other worlds and meeting plenty of people like them, but different.

Akai sat down in the couch. Funny, how even this thing appeared in the other World. His gaze went away, not really thinking, just staring through the void, drifting out of it. He didn't realize his Mate, whom sat down next to him, the usual frown vanished from his beautiful face.

"What's up with you, all smiley?" Akai asked, a sly grin on his red lips, his black tail swirring around. "What's up with you, all calm 'n shit?" he asked back, an challenging glow sparked in his red eyes, standing out like ruby's because of his pale skintone Akai loved. Normally, he would've snapped, but now he just shrugged. " 'dunno, seems like their World also has an impact on ours. It's like the burning storm is washed away by a cold breeze or something." Akai leaned back, tugging his red, straight hair behind his ear. "And you?" he asked Kura, the blonde immortal
stiffened, a bright red blush appeared on his soft skin. Akai raised an eyebrow, as his Mate didn't answer. "Heat?" the little word was enough to make the werewolf angry. "No! It's not that!" he groweld, being a little harsh since his Mate was in a good mood for once, only to test out his limits of course. But that could change in Seconds, it was just that the blonde was likely to take that risk.

Oh don't get me started, Kura.

Akai turned his Head to the side, the sadistic thoughts running through his mind, his eyes giving Kurs the gate into his soul full of darkness.

"So, what's it then, kitty?" his voice was low again, calm but deep, making it harder to think straight for the werewolf.(no pun intended)
"Uh- um.... I'm just happy that we are together even in different dimensions..." he rushed quietly, hoping the words would be to silent to be heard. The Devil still heard it, an awe left his mouth. Who would've thought that he could actually feel that much?

Even when he was pissed at Tenki, maybe it wasn't so bad. Maybe-


"Aw shit!"

The clumsy chaos demon looked at the ground, the bookshelf that was laying in the wood. Hundreds of books laid under the shelf, many flew wider away, the dustcloud looked like fog in the room, making Kura sneeze. One to another second, the peace broke, the well-known anger took his place again.

(=Tenki you fucking idiot watch your damn moves before I feed you to the flames of lucifer himself!)

The loud, raspy Voice was back, and Tenki startled visibly, his wings clenging onto his sides as a self protection reflex. Kura shivered at the sudden moods wing of his Mate, the Devil was standing in the Hall, hands formed to claws.

"You destroyed enough, house arrest for you. You wouldn't dare to come out for the next 2 days, right?" the red glow in his eyes was back. Like flames, they were hot, you could feel the air tension and hearing up as he snapped. They were burning with an ungodly passion of anger and power, licking the fear and respect in the air, growing bigger and bigger as the seconds passed. Tenki gave in, walked in his room, shutting the Door behind him.

Finally some peace

He thought, going back to the couch like nothing happened. Kura wax still trembling, the tail subservient pressed against the Sofa. His sensitive Ears shivering, as he tried to control his obvious intimidation of the Devil in front of him. "I'm not mad at you, calm your tits." Akai joked, knowing pretty well how irritable his weakness towards the Devil made the werewolf.

"S-shut up" he growled, trying to sound threatening with his still shaking voice.

"I'll gladly shut you up with my tongue." with that, Akai pushed his Mate against the Sofa, lips brushing restless into the others. One hand on Kuras shoulder, the other in his hair, stocking the fluffy ears, which made him purr, the shivering stopped and was replaced by a vibration coming from his chest.


Sooo... Second chapter is out. I really like Akai... And Kura even tho I always spell him wrong.
Oh! Right! Please comment if I made a mistake of spelling or something, cause like, it better for me bc I learn and for readers, so they can read without spending time to correct my false sentences.

-Stella is out

{1440 Words}

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