Chapter 2: Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist

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You waited as the phone rang. No reply.

You knew that he was doing this deliberately. He didn't want to talk to you and he certainly didn't want his evening to be ruined. It was nothing personal, of course. He did like you, but when you're introduced as Y/N Y/L/N of S.H.I.E.L.D., he's inclined to ignore you.

Yet here you were, in the elevator on your way up Stark Tower. 

Fury had requested that you convince the eccentric billionaire to join the team, claiming that you were 'the only person he respects enough to want to do any favours for'. 

When you tried to get Coulson to do it instead, he responded with 'I have to handle Romanoff and Banner, so you can handle Stark'. Of course, you knew that he would make Romanoff fetch Banner, but you kept your mouth shut.

Anyway, since Tony was dodging your calls, you decided to use your *ahem* quality tech skills to override JARVIS (and by 'quality tech skills', I mean that you got a S.H.I.E.L.D. techie to do it for you). 

After pulling out your phone again, you look into it to see your favourite billionaire-playboy-philanthropist.

"Stark, we need to talk."

"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message," he replied. He really was a pain to get through to.

"This is urgent," you said, agitation evident in your voice.

"Then leave it urgently," he answered. You muttered a small 'damn you' under your breath right before the elevator doors opened.

"Security breach," Stark said, lifting his hands in an almost resigned way.

"Tony," you drawled, clearly amused by his antics.

"Y/N!" Pepper. "Come on in!"

"Uh," interrupted Tony. "Her first name is Agent."

"We're celebrating," she explained after seeing you glance at her glass of champagne, both of you ignoring Stark.

"Which is why she can't stay," he interrupted again.

"We need you to look this over," you sighed, handing him the case file you prepared. He didn't take it.

"I don't like being handed things," he claimed, making you roll your eyes.

"But that's alright because I love being handed things," Pepper added after seeing your face, handing you her glass of champagne. She then gave the file to Stark, taking his glass. "Thank you."

"Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday," Tony drawled.

"This isn't a consultation," you said, almost desperate for him to take you seriously.

"Is this about The Avengers?" asked Pepper. You shot her a curious glance, to which she replied: "Which I...I know nothing about."

"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought," Tony pitched in. "And I didn't even qualify."

"I didn't know that either," said Pepper, seeming genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, apparently I'm volatile, self- obsessed, don't play well with others," he continued, making you scoff. He said it as though he wasn't any of those things.

"That I did know," added Pepper, agreeing with me.

"This isn't about personality profiles anymore," you replied, wanting to get this over with.

"Whatever," Tony shrugged. "Miss Potts, got a minute?"

You decided to give them some privacy and not listen in. This wasn't going well. Stark didn't even want to consider what you were asking of him, and you had neither the time nor the patience to argue with him.

"This is, uh... this."

You saw Tony expand holographic copies of the files to show Pepper. Some showed Captain America in action, some showed the Hulk attacking the army at Culver University and some showed Thor fighting the Destroyer. There was even some footage of you in New Mexico and other previous missions, using your super-speed to defeat your opponents.

After exchanging another few words, Pepper leaned in to whisper something into Tony's ear, which you couldn't help but overhear. You gasped slightly, turning red and looking away in embarrassment. 

After a final kiss goodbye, Pepper approaches you, leaving Tony to the case files.

"Do you mind dropping me at the airport?" she asks. "I have a flight to D.C. Unless you're busy, of course, because of the whole... situation."

You smiled at her gently.

"It's not a problem, I'm heading to the airport anyway," you replied. "We just need to pick someone up first. If you want I'll send you a video of Coulson fangirling when he meets him."

Pepper laughed and you both entered the elevator, off to collect a man out of time.

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