Soccer Game

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The crowd was cheering, clapping and yelling out for Tai to score the last goal. There was a particular girl in the crowd that was very noticeable since she was a bit bigger than the rest. She was holding up a poster of Tai's number cheering happily with the crowd. Tai was dodging his rivals, he manage to see an opening and kick the ball hard to the net scoring the last goal before the time finished.


Tai yelled happily with a grin and sweat trailing down his face. The crowd went wild once again as the game ended, the crowd went down to congratulate the players along with the girl with the poster happily made her way, pass the cheer leaders and headed to the players with a smile. She stood behind Tai who was drinking a bottle of water. The other players notice the chubby girl and laugh.

"Hey look out Tai, whale right behind you"

One had joke causing the others to laugh. The girl ignored them, as Tai turned around and smiled at her.


He said with a smile. The girl blush as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I just want to say, that was a great game and um hahaha I'm sorry I'm nervous"

The girl said nervously. Tai smiled at her.

"Hey it's okay, let's start by you telling me your name"


"Terry huh? Sounds cute"

"Thank you. Look, I made you this"

Terry said showing off the poster. Tai smiled in gratitude and was impress with the drawing.

"Wow, impressive. Here how about this"

Tai grabbed the poster and write his name on the poster.

"As an autograph"

The girl was speechless but nonetheless smiled as her secret crush wrote on something she made.

"C-Can I take a selfie with you?"

She asked


Tai wrapped his arm around Terry and leaned his face close to hers as she held her phone facing towards them and took one photo and another but on the third. Terry decided to sneak in a kiss, as she leaned up and stepping on Tai's feet as her lips almost made contact with Tai's cheek.

"Ow! Hey!!"

Tai said as he moved away from her. Terry sadly apologize.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to step on you, I just wanted a kiss"

She said shrinking down a bit. Tai slightly glared at her as he ignored the throbbing pain of his toes.

"Don't do that"

He said sternly as he moved away from her shaking his head. Terry sadly looked down as she heard Tai's team mates laughing.

"What happened Tai, was she about to eat you up?"

One of them asked as they laugh. Tai ignored them as he gathered his belongings.

"Shut up, I was just trying to make her feel better"

Tai said lowly. Terry decided yo try another attempt, she took a step forward to the team.

"W-We go to the same school together"

She said. Tai and his team mates turn back to face her. Tai raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think I ever seen you at school before, I'm pretty sure I would have notice you"

He said signaling to her body.

"I'm always at the library or eating outside during lunch time"


"So, I'll see you tomorrow?"

She asked. Tai frown slightly.


Terry happily squealed.

"Yaay! Okay see you tomorrow and good game you guys"

She said as she happily walked away.

"Look like Tai has a date tomorrow"

One joke. Tai punch him lightly on the stomach.

"Enough, besides she's not even my type, hopefully I don't see her again"

"Oh come on, she looks like she wants to be your number one fan"

Tai ignored the bickering as he headed to the lockers to change for to head home.

*With Terry*

'I can't believe it, after so long I finally had the courage to talk to my crush'

She thought happily with a smile as she held the poster to her chest.

'Oh man, what a day. I can't wait for tomorrow, maybe I can ask him out for to get an ice cream together. No wait, Terry, get a grip I just only talked to him for a few minutes ago and I stepped on his toes for crying out loud, there's no way he would want to go with me. Besides...'

She thought as she trailed off and stopped at a store window and looked at her reflection looking down at herself sadly.

'.... I'm a big kind of girl and he's lean and muscular. Compare myself to other girls, I have no chance, how can I get his attention'

She thought as she continued walking and pulled the strap of her backpack tighter.

'Wait, I'm sure Tai would like me for just who I am. I don't need to change myself and I'm sure he wouldn't want me to either. I may not be a model, but I have a great personality, my parents said so...'

Terry then soon arrived to her apartment with her parents as she continued to think to herself.

'Then again, they are my parents and I'm their only daughter, that's why they have no choice to say that to me'

She let out a sigh as she greeted her parents and left her shoes by the door as she made her way to her room and closed the door. Once inside she let out another sigh as she jumped flat on the bed facing towards the ceiling with a smile on her face as he body wobble along with her movement.

'This is a start of something new, I just know it. Maybe I can ask Tai if I can eat lunch with him and I'll take a little bit of food for he won't think I'm eating too much, I'll just cut off my minimum'

She thought with a smile as she thought of her plans for tomorrow.

'Well that is enough day dreaming for one day, I need to get started on my homework'

She thought with a smile.

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