Try Everything

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Terry sat at the edge of her bed, her shoulders were slumped from disappointment.

'At least I tried and I was honest to myself right?'

She thought.

'Why do I do this to myself, giving myself hope when there is none to begin with'

//I messed up tonight
I lost another fight
I still mess up but I'll just start again
I keep falling down
I keep on hitting the ground
I always get up now to see what's next//

'I guess the best thing I should do, is move on from him, but then again I did caught him looking back at me at the library'

Terry quickly shook her head from those thought and lightly smack herself on her forehead.

"Terry, come on get a hold of reality. He would never look my way, he said so himself"

She said as she stood up and walk towards her tall mirror hanging against the wall and was sadly looking at her reflection.

//Birds don't just fly
They fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it won//

'He said he doesn't want to be seen with a fat load hanging on his arm. That's all I am to him...'

//I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
Though I'm on the lead
I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail//

A smile then appear on Terry's face.

'but that's not who I am. I can maybe change my life around. Yeah that's it, I can start by losing weight, or working out or join into after school activity'

//I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
No I won't leave
I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail//

'Yeah this can be a new start for my life and life style'

She thought with a smile.

"No more sad thoughts, I'm doing this for me and only for me"

//Oh oh try everything//

'This is gonna be hard, but the hard work will be paid off'

She thought.

//Look how far you've come
You filled your heart with love
Baby you've done enough that cut your breath
Don't beat yourself up
Don't need to run so fast
Sometimes we come last but we did our best//

Terry found herself once again at school, it was after school and she was looking at the bulletin board with tons of after school activity.

'Hmmm I can try out for volleyball, softball, or maybe soccer. Yeah I can try out for soccer'

She thought with a smile as she took the paper and headed out for the soccer field.

//I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
Though I'm on the lead
I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail//

Terry saw a bunch of girls running laps and went towards the guy who was blowing the whistle.

"Um Hi, is this where I sign up for the soccer team?"

As she look up and notice it was Tai. Tai was surprise to see Terry.

"Terry hey"

//I won't give up, no I won't give in
Till I reach the end
And then I'll start again
No I won't leave
I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail//

"Oh gosh, trust me I wasn't trying to stalk you or nevermind this was a mistake"

She said as she turn away but Tai quickly stopped her.

"Hey wait"

Terry turn back to face him.

"I'm just covering the coach until he comes back from the office. Were you planning to try out for the team?"

"Yeah I was"

She said with a blush. Tai smiled in surprise.

//I'll keep on making those new mistakes
I'll keep on making them every day
Those new mistakes//

"I'll let the coach know you're joining in okay"


"Just go and change into something more comfortable"

Terry smiled and nodded her head in determination to try her best.

"Hey and Terry"

Terry stop once again to look back to her assistant coach.


//Oh oh, try everything//

"Nice to see you doing a change"

Terry smiled in gratitude and she headed for the girls locker. Just then the coach return and Tai immediately told him about Terry joining.

"Okay, Terry, what I need you to do first is do some stretches and start running some laps, you think you can do that?"

"I'll give it all I have, Coach"

"That's the spirit, get in there tiger"

Terry jog to the field and began to do some stretches while the group of girls were on the side giggling at Terry but Terry ignored them as she had one thing in mind. Change.

"The girl got spunk"

The coach said quietly. Tai looked to his coach and then back to Terry who was making her way to the bleachers and started walking then jogging and began running.

"Yeah she does"

Tai said in agreement.

"Besides the other girls who only join the afterschool soccer was because of you. Always oogling their eyes at you and get no work done"

Tai sheepishly smiled. Just then Terry came back panting with sweat.

"Terry back so soon"

"A-actually didn't say how many....laps"

She said panting.

"8 more laps"

Terry nodded as she headed back to the bleachers. The coach cross his arms over his chest and smirk.


"Yes sir?"

"How about you go run with her, give her some motivation"

"Yes sir"

Tai nodded as he jogged his way to Terry.

"Mind if I run with you?"

He asked as he got to her side. Terry's cheeks were pink but yet her eyes still burn with determination as she nodded.

"I can't do it"

She with a pant as she began to slow down.

"Yes you can, don't focus on the number of laps just run and keep running until you can't feel the pain anymore"

Terry picked up her pace as she continued to run. On the seventh lap, Terry began to slow down again.

"One more Terry one more"

Tai pushed as Terry ran with all her might.

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