Work Out

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Terry let out a happy sigh as she opened the door to her local gym. She was wearing tight shorts and a training bra, she was strictly into cardio at the time, and would run on the treadmill for miles. Since after all, she got used to the running. Apparently Terry has been getting notice from guys and this one particular guy noticed her long before he ever approached her. He finally came up to her one day and said

“You shouldn’t run so much. Why don’t you start lifting?”

The guy suggested with a smile. Terry couldn't help but blush.

"The names Jeff"


"You should do some lifting, I notice you mostly been running"

"That's because I'm part of a soccer team and plus I'm trying to change my life style, as you can clearly see"

She said motioning to her body. Jeff laugh.

"Hey, its all good. If you want I can give you some tips"

Terry's eyes sparkle at the thought.

"Sure I would love that"

"Here, follow me"

Terry got off the treadmill and followed Jeff to the nutrition bar.

"Hi, can I get two shakes?"

He ordered. Once he got his order, he handed one to Terry.

"Try it"

He suggested.

"But aren't shakes kind of...."

She said trailing off but Jeff just laughs.

"Don't worry these are the best kind of healthy shakes"


Terry took a sip of the shake and was surprise it taste good and healthy.


"You see, good right?"

Jeff said with a grin.

"Is this your first time trying it?"

"Yeah it is"

"Then this one is on me, you don't have to pay me back"

Terry happily smiled.

"Thank you"

"Hey, I have an idea"

"What is it?"

Terry asked.

"How about I become your trainer"

"My Trainer"

"Yeah I could help you get fit into a perfect shape"

"That would be awesome, but I don't know"

"What's holding you back?"

"Well I have school and soccer practice"

"Hey it's okay, this place is open 24/7 and plus I'm the manager here"


"But don't slip off on your grades, okay young lady"

He said playfully. Terry laughs.

"It's a deal"

"Good, so how about we get started on weights, we'll start small and work our way up"

"Sounds good"

Terry said as she followed him to the weight room.

*Next Day*

Tai x OC (Chubby Girl)Where stories live. Discover now