Fairy Tale

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Days went by an Tai and Terry has been hanging out together, but the more they hang out the more the feelings are starting to come back to Terry.

'Maybe I can give it another try'

Terry thought walking towards her first class of the day.

'No harm in trying'

Just as she was walking, she immediately stop, straight ahead she saw Tai standing very close to another girl. He had his hand resting on her cheek and said something to her that caused her to blush.

'What the hell?'

She thought. She quickly turn the corner and pressed herself against the wall.

'It can't be. I thought there was actually chemistry happening between us but I was wrong, its all just a fairytale. A stupid fairytale that should have ended a long time ago'

She thought sadly as she went through another route to head to class.

*Lunch Time*

Instead of heading to the library where Terry always go, she decided to head to the computer lab to get started on projects of her own. As Terry was working away on the computer, she didn't bother to focus on the voices that came in the room. Terry was typing when suddenly the computer screen turn white and brighten up the room as she quickly covered her eyes. She slowly open her eyes, surprise to see a creature on her lap.

"Hi I'm Gazimon"

Terry gulp as she let out a loud scream as she push the creature away and pressed herself against the wall.

"Terry relax"

Tai said as he tried to hush her as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder as he held one of her hands.

"It's a Digimon"

Izzy said informing Terry.

"A what?"

She asked in surprise. Gazimon got closer to Terry.

"Digimon. Short for Digital monster and I'm your partner"

"No this can't be real. None of this is real.

Terry said her voice shakey.


Tai asked slightly hurt the way Terry was taking the news of having a digital partner.

"I don't want to live in a fairytale anymore"

Terry said as she moved away from Tai and backed away from the door.

"But I am real look"

The Digimon hit itself.

"Destiny brought you both together"

Izzy said trying to help.

"Then clearly it was a mistake. I want nothing to do with you or you"

She said pointing to Tai and to the Digimon as she quickly ran out of the computer room.

"What's that about?"

Izzy asked holding the Digimon.

Tai frown as he looked to the doorway where Terry just ran off to.

"I don't know but I'm going to find out"

He said as he ran off in search of Terry.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Gazimon asked looking up at Izzy.

Tai x OC (Chubby Girl)Where stories live. Discover now