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*Next Day*

The next day, at school it was lunch time. Terry held on to her tray of food tightly as she made her way through the cafeteria trying to look for her crush and luckily she finds him sitting by himself near a window. She let out a sigh.

"Okay, here I go"

She said to herself as she walked proudly up to Tai's table and set her tray down. Tai looked at the tray and then up to Terry.


She said with a bright smile. Tai grimace as he recognize her.

"Oh, hey"

"Do you mind if I have lunch with you, since you are by yourself"

"Actually I do mind, I like to be by myself, no offence"

Terry sadly looked down at her tray as she grabbed hold of it once again.

"Oh that's okay, listen I was thinking today after school if you want to get some ice cream together?"

"Ice cream?"

'Man, what is up with this girl, can't she take a hint, I want nothing to do with her'

Tai thought annoyed.


Terry asked interrupting Tai's thought.

"I'm gonna have to pass, it sounds childish"

Terry quickly thought of another plan.

"Oh. Um if you want, we can do something else, I'm mean I'm cool with anything"

"Terry is it?"


"Look, I just don't want to hang out with you, okay"

Tai said sternly. Terry sadly looked down at her plate.

"Oh, sorry for bothering you then"

Terry sadly walk away with her heart breaking. She sat down by herself a couple of feet away from Tai. Her tears began to threaten to fall but she tried to hold it in as she saw Tai's friends gathered around him and sat down with him.

"I knew it was too good to be true"

She said to herself as tears finally made their way down her cheeks. For some reason, Terry still couldn't keep her eyes away from Tai as he and his group of friends stood up and was heading towards the hall, but before Tai can follow he spin around as if trying to look for someone and smirk as he spotted Terry not to far away.

"Here, I'm sure you are still hungry"

He said leaving his tray at her table and walked away. Terry felt humiliated as she quickly stood up and headed to the girl's bathroom as she let out the tears, sobbing.

'How can he just say that, didn't he see that I was trying to cut off my food portions, or maybe because he saw how little I have he thought I was still hungry but it doesn't matter, he hurt me without realizing it'

She thought as she tried drying up her tears. Just then two girls entered the bathroom.

"Awww poor girl"

Mimi said.

"Yeah, looks like she really been through something"

Sora said in agreement. Mimi being the bravest, walked up to Terry and gently rub her back.

"Hey, its okay"

Terry wiped away her tears and face Mimi with her eyes still tearing and puffy.

Tai x OC (Chubby Girl)Where stories live. Discover now