Normal Day

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"Just who the hell you keep looking at?"

Matt said irritated as he look to see who is behind him but all he sees is a big fat girl behind the desk.

"Are you looking at the fat girl?"

"Her name is Terry and she is not that fat more like chubby"

Tai stated as he was resting his head on his hand while his elbow is rested on the table. Matt and Tai were once again studying in the library.

"Ooohhh that Terry, the same girl that Sora and Mimi were bickering about. Does she still have a crush on you?"

He asked with a smirk. Tai scoff.

'I really don't know. Everything has been normal'

"You know she joined in the soccer team"

He said changing the subject slightly.

"No way, are you kidding?"


"What's with the sudden change?"

"I'm not exactly sure, I was surprised to"

Matt shook his head with a laugh.

"Tai, I hope you are not catching feelings for her"

Tai scoffs again as he stood up.

"Don't be ridiculous, I made it clear in the beginning, I wanted nothing to do with her"

"Yeah right, we been studying here non stop and I'm pretty sure we are already gonna get an A+ on this project"

Tai ignored him as he made his way to where Terry was.

"Hey Terry"

Tai said with a smile. Terry looked up from the book and smiled at Tai.


"What are you reading?"

"A romance novel, you wouldn't be interested"

"Hey now don't judge, maybe I can find some interest and learn a thing or two"

He said with a grin causing Terry to giggle.

"Well in that case, the book is called E-Male"

The sound of the bell ring letting the students know that lunch was over and it was time for class.

"Come on Tai, it's time to go"

Matt called out to Tai.

"Oh I have to go"

Tai said quickly.

"Me too"

Terry said as she gathered her belongings.

"See you after school for soccer practice"

He said with a wave. Terry smiled as she waved back.

*After Practice*

"You've gotten a whole lot better, Terry"

"Oh stop it, no I haven't"

"I swear, even the coach notices it as well"

Tai said in amazement as he was gathering his belongings as well as Terry.

"You really think so?"

"I know so and no offense but it looks like you lost a couple of pounds from all that running"

Terry laughs.

Tai x OC (Chubby Girl)Where stories live. Discover now