Love Notes

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It's been three days and Tai been finding love letters inside his locker. He would read it and shake his head as he folded it back up and walked away pretending he never read it. Tai was once again in school and opened up his locker and found a pink envelope. Tai let out sigh as he grabbed the envelope and opened it up.

From the bottom of my heart Tai, I ache to spend some time with you if you're willing to give me a chance. I wish I could read your beautiful mind and see if you really love me. I know I love you with all my heart, but I have no idea if you feel the same way. My heart is ready to split in two because I need you, and yet I don't know if you need me. Please, from the bottom of my heart, I confess my everlasting love to you and hope that you feel the same way. Please give me an answer.
                      Love, Secret Admirer

Tai let out a sigh.

'I do have to say, Terry does have a way with words'

He thought with a small smile as he closed up the letter. He closed up his locker and spin around and almost bump into Terry who was standing behind him with a smile.


"Tai, I have something to confess"

She said getting straight to the point.

"I was the one leaving the love letters in your locker"

Tai gently scratched the back of his head as he looked down.

"Yeah, I know"


She asked surprise.

"Well, what do you think?"

Tai let out a sigh

"I think your a really sweet girl and I'm sure there is someone else out there that likes you but I don't think I'm the right guy for you"

"You're rejecting me?"

Terry asked sadly.

"I don't want to lead you on or anything but it's better this way for the both of us"

"For us or for you?"

Tai remained quiet as he finally looked up to Terry and saw tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"You would think I would have been use to the rejection from a bunch of guys, just one look at me and they turn away"


"Don't. Don't try to sugar coat it. I know what I am but not everyone knows who I am. I am more than just a big girl you know. Thank you for at least hearing me out"

Terry said as she sadly turned away from Tai. Tai cringed as he heard her last words before walking away.

'Poor girl'

He thought as he turn the opposite direction but was stopped by Mimi and Sora.

"Well what did she say? What did you say?"

They both said together. Tai rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Obviously, I rejected her"

"What? Why?"

Sora asked.

"Do I really have to answer?"


Mimi said with her hands on her hips.

"Because she's fat, what else is there. I don't want to be walking around in school with a fat load hanging from my shoulder"

Tai x OC (Chubby Girl)Where stories live. Discover now