Chapter 10 the Sith Lord Vs. the Techno nerd

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3rd person POV.

Both Y/n and Houka are standing in the arena glaring at each other Houka was looking at his phone listening to Mako and Ira cheer for the two of them.

Houka: activating noise canceller I'd rather not hear the crooks of a beaten toad

Y/n: thank you no offense to Mako but she can be very distracting

Nonon: wow now she's being merciful to losers I wonder what our Queens up to

Uzu: don't be second-guessing lady Satsuki

Nonon: wow ever since you gone blind your intuition Scott and sharper and even more obnoxious

Uzu: if you keep doubting her you're going to find yourself in a world of hurt

Nonon: I hate to break it to you you guys don't know her half as well as I do

Houka kept looking at his phone analyzing the data on Y/n

Houka: how very fascinating you're completely calm your heart rate is normal and your breathing is also normal I expected you to be at least a little bit more excited to fight me

Y/n: oh but I am excited to fight you finally one of the Elite Four our battle will be legendary.

Houka: yes I am very excited see the power you hold up close and personal I'm also excited to see what you can do with your lightsabers as you call them.

Y/n: so you want to see the power of me and my lightsabers do you?

Houka: yes I do

Y/n: do you know the trouble of fighting someone?

Houka: no what is it?

Y/n: it's choosing which lightsaber to use against them oh boy I feel like John Wayne Gacy in a candy store

Houka: that is one disturbing analogy

Y/n: you know what just to be a sport I think I'll let you decide which lightsaber I'll use standard Hilt, curved hilt, or double bladed you choose.

Houka: let me see here you perform more acrobatic and extraordinary moves with the double bladed lightsaber then you do any other blade you own you're more precise and deadly with the curved hilt but at the same time you're more wild and unpredictable with the standard hilt so just to be interesting I'll choose the standard hilt.

Y/n: I like the way you think

Y/n unclipped is secondary lightsaber from his belt and activated its screaming blade

Houka: what a fascinating weapon tell me why does it scream?

Y/n: because a whole planet died to create the crystal inside

Houka: fascinating I'm not sure if I believe you or not but if you are telling the truth then maybe I should be worried about your mental health

Y/n: oh trust me I'm crazy all right what I'm sane enough to admit it

Houka: insanity is not something to boast about


Y/n: you heard what the little lady said I loved our conversation but it's time for you to die now

Satsuki: begin

The horn sounded indicating the beginning of the battle Houka's mouthguard closed and he began to transform into his three star Goku uniform.

Houka: three star Goku uniform probe regalia

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